Multicalc Description_en马克劳德软件使用说明.doc

Multicalc Description_en马克劳德软件使用说明.doc

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Multicalc Description_en马克劳德软件使用说明

Electrical Engineering FACULTY Optoelectronics LABORATORY LECTURER: Dr in?. K. Marsza?ek Design of thin film optical filters using MCalc MULTILAYER Calculation (version 4.0.6) Kraków 2012 Contents: Introduction 3 Functionality decription Design 3 Calculating Parameters 6 Analyse 7 Monitoring 10 Refining Target 12 Color CIE 13 Load/save options for Project and filter analysis. 13 Material Data. 14 Adding nw materials Introduction to CIE theory and LAB Filter examples TiO2 + SiO2 filter – reflection under 1% in 400÷700 nm region. 16 First Introduction. MCalc program is used to design thin-film filters for electromagnetic radiation in any region of the spectrum. It creates graphs of transmission and reflection, depending on the wavelength. With this program you can simulate arbitrarily changing the filterparameters (thickness, material, etc.). One of the parameters is the refractive index, which is not constant for a given material for electromagnetic waves of different lengths. The program included tables of the refractive index of various materials available for constructing a filter- in more detail in Section 2.8. Second description and program functions Most of the options program is distributed in six tabs as described in subsections 2.1 to 2.6. In subsections 2.7 to 2.9 are described in other program options, such as options associated with the type of material and options for transferring data from outside (eg for treatment of another program), import data into, or counted the value of preserving and / or setting the filter. Design. Filter plate is called a uniform material that is ground (Substarate) for thin layers produced (steamed) on its front (Frontdesign) and posterior (Backdesign) surface. The entire filter can be placed in a certain neighborhood, or contact (link) with some element of the front side of the filter(Medium 1), as well as and from the rear (Medium 2). Such a system diagram of Figure 1 shows the filter Figure 1 Diagram of the filte


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