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2009, 22( 2) : 230 ~ 236 Forest R esearch : 100 11498( 2009) 1 2 1 1 1 李 娟, 温远光 , 王 成, 李春媛 , 刘 艳 ( 1. , , 10009 1; 2. , 53000 1) 2 : ( VR ) , A C P C 25 : ; , , , , , , , , , ; 10 , - - - , : ; ; ; : S73 1. 2 : A Interspecific Association Analysis of theM ain Species in Shrub Layer of the Forestry in the Urban Area in Nanning 2 1 1 1 LI Juan , WEN Yuan guang , WAN G Ch eng , LI Chunyuan , L I U Yan ( 1. Research in s i u e of Fores ry, CAF; K ey L abora ory of Tree B reed ing and C u l iva on, S a e Fores ry A dm in is ra ion, Be ijing 100091, Ch in a; 2. Fores ry Co llege, Guangxi Un ivers iy, Nann ing 530001, Guangxi, Ch ina) 2 Abstract: By variance ra io( VR ), es, oge her w i h assoc ia ion coefficien (A C ) and percen age cooccurrence (PC ) , o f he 25 ypes o f plan s in shrub layer o f he closeona ure plan a ion in he urban area in N ann ing w ere s ud ied. T he resu l indica ed ha: he overa ll associa ion of he dom inan spec ies in shrub layer in N ann ing w as posi ive. The number of posi ive assoc ia ion of he spec iespairs w as m ore and he number o f nega ive assoc ia ion w as less, he num ber of speciespa irs in sign ifican ly assoc ia ed w as mo re, he number o f spec iespairs significan ly associa ion w as less. I show ed ha he in erspecific associa ion w as posi ive bu no obv iously correla ive in m os of he species pair, becau se i w as a he early s age of


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