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高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 1 – Unit 2 江苏省东台市第一中学 张锦堂 I. Words 1. honest – honesty 2. brave – bravery – bravely 3. loyal – loyalty 4. wise – wisdom 5. argue – argument 6. speech – speak – speaker 7. adventure – adventurous 8. survive – survival 9. pronounce – pronunciation 10.repeat – repetition 11. equal – equality 12. tourism – tourist 13. government – governor 14. global – globe 15. service – servant – serve 16. independent – independence 17. compare – comparative – comparison II. Words and phrases 1. match n. 火柴;比赛;对手,配对的东西 v. 和…较量;和…匹敌;与…相配 I lost the match to this glove. Bill is no match for his brother (不是他弟弟的对手)in chess. Tom matched his strength against / with Bob’s (和Bob比试力量). My talent does not match his (不如他的). Her clothes don’t match her age(与她的年龄不相配). Cf. fit / suit / match 2. hunt v. 猎取;搜索,寻找 n. 狩猎 They hunted foxes. Hunted everywhere (被到处追赶), the wolves had nowhere to hide. I hunted the room for (在房间里找)the glasses. hunt for a job 找工作 go on a deer hunt 去猎鹿 3. in order to, in order that, so as to, so that In order to hear better0, we’ll sit in the front row. I worked slowly in order not to / so as not to make any mistake . I got up early so that / in order that I could catch the train. 4. share vt. 分享;等分;共用 vi. 分担 n. 一份;份额;股份(pl.) The boys shared the cake equally (平分了蛋糕). They would share their joys and sorrows (同甘共苦). I share with you in (与你分担) the cost. Here is your share of the cake (你的一份蛋糕). The company was formed with 2,000 shares (有2,000股). 5. majority n. 大多数 The majority are / is against the plan. The (great) majority of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health. He won by a majority of 900 votes. (与a连用,表示投票中的一半以上) 6. except, except for, except that / when / what …, besides, apart from The children hardly see anyone except / apart from their parents. The room is empty except


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