2012高中英语一轮复习精品课件(大纲版):Units 9-12 综合测试题(高一).ppt

2012高中英语一轮复习精品课件(大纲版):Units 9-12 综合测试题(高一).ppt

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2012高中英语一轮复习精品课件(大纲版):Units 9-12 综合测试题(高一)

The findings make sense and point out the important global benefit of losing weight, along with the personal health benefits. The study suggests that the government has a responsibility to encourage people to be more physically active. Active transportation, such as cycling and walking, helps maintain a healthy weight but requires safe streets. If the government wants to encourage active transport, it needs to make the environment safe to do so. Although climate change has become a major concern recently, this is not the first time scholars have thought about the connection between fossil fuel and body weight. Measures to control obesity include making healthier meals, putting nutritional information on food package and menus and so on. 54. The passage is mainly about ____ . A. the advantage of active transportation B. how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions C. why we need to keep fit and have healthy meals D. the relationship between body weight and the environment 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。本文为一篇科普短文,旨在说明肥胖对环境造成的影响。文章第一段即开始说明肥胖与温室气体排放的关系,是全文的主题句,因此本题的正确答案是D。 55. According to Phil Edwards, staying thin ____ . A. contributes most to lowering the cost of fuel B. is highly recommended to protect the environment C. is the best choice for people to protect the environment D. contributes more to the environment than to the individuals 【解析】选B。细节理解题。从文章第二段中的“Phil Edwards. . . , said the main message is staying thin. It’s good for not only you but also the planet. ”可以看出,出于对个人和对地球两个方面的好处,人们应该减肥,保持适当体重。 56. The underlined part “the lean population has a much smaller carbon footprint” in the fourth paragraph probably means ____ . A. few people leave small marks on the carbon emission list B. few people have light footprints which cause environmental pollution C. thin people release smaller amounts of greenhouse gases D. thin people produce less greenhouse gas while walking 【解析】选C。细节理解题。由文章第四段中划线句子后对肥胖的人会增加食物量,从而增加温室气体排放的叙述可知,身体苗条的人则会有较少的温室气体排放。 57. The following a


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