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2008年11月 涉外秘书(三级)英语试卷 A. Listening Test . Directions: You are going to hear an announcement. Then you need to complete the multiple-choice questions based on what you hear, only one correct answer for each question. (10 marks) 1. When the statement was made, the plane ______. (A) was in the course of landing (B) had already landed (C) had just taken off (D) was in the middle of its flight 2. The passengers can get to the centre of the city by all the transports except . (A) a taxi (B) by bus (C) by coach service (D) by tube 3. How much money can an adult save if she/he takes the coach service instead of taxi to the city? . (A) 12 Australian dollars (B) 6 Australian dollars (C) 3 Australian dollars (D) 4 dollars and 50 cents 4. The announcement is mainly about . (A) the terminal building at the airport (B) the transportation in the centre of Sydney (C) the departure taxi (D) the service the airport can provide for the passengers 5. In the announcement, all the serving facilities are mentioned except . (A) transportation (B) banking facilities (C) booking facilities (D) postal facilities Ⅱ. Directions: You are going to hear a dialogue between a buyer and salesperson, it will be played twice continuously and please complete the following sentences. You need to fill in more than just one word to make it full and meaningful sentence according to the text. (10 marks) 1. According to the salesman, they raised the price because has been skyrocketing 2. The salesman was surprised when the buyer the prices. 3. From the conversation we can infer that the potential buyer would probably place a big order if the seller offer of at least 10 percent. 4. According to the conversation, in the chemical fertilizer market, the demand the supply. 5. The buyer suggested that the salesman cable for advice . B. Written Test Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structures Section A ??Directions: (2 mark for each blank, 10 marks altogether) Directions: From the words and phrases given below, choose the corr


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