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高空轰炸1. A Tomahawk flew into the sky, heading north towards Baghdad.   战斧式巡航导弹腾空而起,向北朝巴格达飞去。   2. The first missile hit the communication building in the center of Baghdad.   第一枚导弹击中了位于巴格达市中心的通讯大楼。   3. Pilots were in their cockpits, ready to be launched for action.   飞行员已坐进驾驶舱,一切准备就绪,正待命出发。   4. The first planes to go were the F-117A stealth bombers and the electronic countermeasure aircraft.   最先起飞的是F-177A隐形轰炸机和电子对抗飞机。   5. The Air Force and Navy planes took off to neutralize the Iraqi air defense system.   空军、海军的飞机起飞压制伊军防空系统。   6. They were EF-111 Ravens, F-4G Wild Weasels, FA-6B Prowlers.   他们分别是EF-111渡鸦 飞机, F-4G野鼬 飞机和FA-6B徘徊者飞机。   7. All the planes could jam the high-powered signal sent by radar.   这些飞机都能干扰雷达发出的大功率信号。   8. The Iraqi radar couldnt find where the aircraft were flying.   伊军雷达无法发现飞机飞行的方位。   9. A variety of other Allied fighters followed to give further bombardment.   多国部队其他各种战机紧随其后,开始了进一步轰炸。   0. The last of planes were attackers carrying bombs and guided conventional munitions.   最后一批起飞的是攻击机,他们载着普通炸弹和常规制导导弹。   1. The skies over Kuwait and Iraq were filled with many aircrafts of different types.   伊拉克和科威特的上空布满了各种型号的飞机。   2. The air bombardment was divided into strategic, operational and tactical stages.   高空轰炸分为战略,战役,战术轰炸三个阶段。   3. In the strategic stage, the emphasis was on the most dangerous things.   战略阶段的重点是那些最危险的目标。   4. They struck hard at Iraqi command and control system, and communication network.   他们猛烈轰炸伊军的指挥和控制系统以及通信网络。   5. They knocked out as much as possible the Iraqi Air Force and air defense weaponry.   他们尽可能多地摧毁伊军空军和防空武器。   6. The operational stage began when the dangerous targets had been destroyed.   战役阶段是在危险目标被摧毁之后开始的。   7. The emphasis was to isolate the Iraqi troops in Kuwait and southern Iraq.   这一阶段的重点是孤立伊拉克在科威特和伊拉克南部的军队。   8. That meant bombing bridges, roads and other lines of communication.   这意味着轰炸桥梁,道路和交通线。   9. Without resupplies,the Iraqis wouldnt last long.   后勤补给跟不上,伊军不会坚持太久。   0. The tactical stage is the last stag


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