典型铣削零件的加工 数控机床技术专业毕业设计 毕业论文.doc

典型铣削零件的加工 数控机床技术专业毕业设计 毕业论文.doc

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典型铣削零件的加工 数控机床技术专业毕业设计 毕业论文

摘要 数控机床在现代制造业中起着越来越重要的作用,数控技术及数控机床的广泛应用,给机械制造业的产业结构、产品种类和档次以及生产方式带来了革命性的变化。随着自动编程系统的发展,如CAD,PRO/E等软件的普及应用,数控机床编程工作越来越简化,为保证零件加工质量,除了数控机床自身的精度外,还与数控加工中的工艺措施密切相关,它的发展是信息技术(1T)与制造技术(MT)结合发展的结果。因此,在用数控机床进行机械零件加工时,要充分考虑工艺问题对零件加工质量的影响。本篇论文主要说明数控加工的工艺过程以及如何根据实际情况合理选择机床和夹具,在零件的工艺分析中主要是数控加工工艺路线的设计,能够根据给出的图纸中准确的设计出数控加工工艺路线。零件程序的编写,根据零件的形状,采用手动方式,运用自己所学的数控编程的知识编写出正确合理的程序。使其能够达到图纸要求的尺寸,其中包括加工精度、表面粗糙度,垂直度等。这些问题都是我们在数控加工中应该注意的问题。 关键词:数控机床;自动编程;冷却液;工艺。 Abstract CNC machine is playing a more and more important part in the modern production. revolutionary change NC technology and the widespread application of NC machine tools, machinery manufacturing to the industrial structure, product variety and quality and production methods brought about a With the development of the automatic programming systerm,for ezample CAXA、PRO/E and so on..They have been used in all filds.The programming of CNC machine is becoming easier and easier.In oreder to keep the quality of the part maching.It relects not only the CNC machine itself but also the way of CNC machining . It is the development of information technology (1 T) and manufacturing technology (MT) with the result of the development. So when we use CNC machine to make paer ,we should consider the effect of art problem to the quality of the part maching.This text explain the maching process and how to choose the correct machine and tools according to the matter. The design is the subject of CNC milling and processing components, in the design process, the teacher asked us to use the knowledge of NC completion of the design features, including parts of NC machining process analysis, the preparation of the procedures parts, spare parts Simulation.In parts of the process is the main line of CNC machining process designed to be given in accordance with the drawings in the design of the NC accurate processing line.Part of the preparation procedures, according to the shape of parts used manually, use their own most of the NC programming knowledge t


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