多水平模型(英文原著) chap4.doc

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多水平模型(英文原著) chap4

Chapter 4 The multivariate multilevel model 4.1 Multivariate Multilevel models In chapters 2 and 3 we have considered only a single response variable. We now look at models where we wish simultaneously to model several responses as functions of explanatory variables. As we shall see, the ability to do this provides us with tools for tackling a very wide range of problems. These problems include missing data, rotation or matrix designs for surveys and prediction models. We develop the model using a dataset of examination results. The data consist of scores on two components of a science examination taken in 1989 by 1905 students in 73 schools and colleges. The examination is the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) taken at the end of compulsory schooling, normally when students are 16 years of age. The first component is a traditional written question paper (marked out of a total score of 160) and the second consists of coursework (marked out of a total score of 108), including projects undertaken during the course and marked by each students own teacher. The overall teachers marks are subject to external moderation using a sample of coursework. Interest in these data centres on the relationship between the component marks at both the school and student level, whether there are gender differences in this relationship and whether the variability differs for the two components. Creswell (1991) has a full description of the dataset. 4.2 The basic 2-level multivariate model To define a multivariate, in the case of our example a 2-variate, model we treat the individual student as a level 2 unit and the within-student measurements as level 1 units. Each level 1 measurement record has a response, which is either the written paper score or the coursework score. The basic explanatory variables are a set of dummy variables that indicate which response variable is present. Further explanatory variables are defined by multiplying these dummy variables Table 4.1 D


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