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六年级英语上册复习材料MODULE1一、重点单词:the Great Wall ________ postcard _________ thousand __________ Map _________ kilometre __________ hundred __________ million________ Canada________ Mexico ________ east ________ west ________ north _________ south________ New York ________ 二、短语look at 看 a picture of 一副……的图片 the Great Wall长城 tell me more about 告诉我更多关于……的事 in the east of China 在中国的东部 something about 关于……的一些事 lots of 许多 in the east 在东边a map of America 一副美国地图 10. in New York 在纽约11. has got 有三、重点句型:1.How long/big/tall is the Great Wall . 长城有多长/大/高?(1). How long is it? 有多长?(问长度)回答 : It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers. 大概有六千七百公里。(2)How big is it? 问有多少人口? 用具体数字回答: It’s got eight million people. (大概有八百万人。)2. tell me more about ……告诉我更多关于……的事。 例如:Tell me more about the Great Wall .告诉我更多关于长城的事儿吧。 3.Beijing has got 14 million people. 北京有一千四百万人口。4.方位名词:东east 南 south 西 west 北 north north westeast south5. 感叹句: What +数量词+形容词+名词! What a big apple! 6.These postcards are great! 这些明信片真好看! 7.These postcards are great! 这些明信片真棒! Yes, they are. 是的,很棒。 No, they aren’t. 不,不棒。8.It’s a picture of the Great Wall . 这是一张长城的照片。9. Where is New York? 纽约在哪里? 回答: New York is in the east of America. 纽约在美国的东部。What am I? 我是谁? Are you a pupil? 你是学生吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我是。MODULE2一、重点单词:Chinatown _________ miss _________ sometimes _________ restaurant _________ shop _________ dancing _________ Square _________ really _________ tomorrow _________ 二、短语 an email 一封电子邮件 send an email 发送一封电子邮件 miss china 想念中国 Chinatown 唐人街 want to do 想要做某事 Chinese restaurants 中餐馆 Chinese dancing 中国舞蹈 go to Chinatown 去唐人街 lots of 许多 the West Lake 西湖the Changjiang river 长江 the Tian’anmen square 天安门广场 the Huangshan Mountain 黄山 三、重点句型1. Do you miss China? (你想念中国吗?) 回答:Sometimes. (有时)2.运用the


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