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上海五年级英语N版下学期期中试卷Name______________?Mark______________?Part 1 Listening 40%一、Listen and choose.(根据听到的句子,选出最相符的单词或内容)8%( )1. A. bread B. break C. brush( )2. A. to B. two C. too( )3. A. pictures B. please C. puppets( )4. A. for B. four C. fourth( )5. A. have lunch B. have a break C. have a lunch break()6. A./bed/B. /b?d/C. /b?d/( )7. A. glueB. blue C. flu( )8. A. their B. here C. there二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出反义词。)4%( )1. A. under B. up C. on( )2. A. clean B. light C. write( )3. A. behind B. before C. beside( )4. A. heallhy B. health C. unhealthy三、Listen and choose the correct response.(听录音,选出适合句子)8%( )1. A. Yes, it was. B. It was on the sofa.C. It is on the sofa.( )2. A. By underground. B. On June 1st.C. A quarter past 4.( )3. A. It is interesting.B. It is red.C. It is a butterfly.( )4. A. Where does he live? B. Where did he live?C. Where is he?( ) 5. A. Yes, its my biscuit.B. No, its his.C. No, its mine.( )6. A. Youre welcome. B. OK.C. All right.( )7. A. Yes, they are. B. Theyre his crayons. C. Theyre his.( )8. A. Not at all. B. thank you. C. Sorry, I dont know.四、Listen and complete the sentence.(听录音,将下列句子或段落补充完整。)12%Georges teacher is Mr. Brown, Hefrom England. He is a niceman. Hespeaka Chinese, but he doesn’t how to Chinese. He likes hisinbut he doesntChinese. Mr. Wu teachesGeorge. He can sing very. He is Georges good五、Listen and choose. (听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。)3%( )1. A. Some things for school.B. Some crayons, pencil and a nice bag.C. Some boxes of crayons, pencils and a nice bag.( )2. A. Between Tom and Mary.B. In front of Tom.C. Behind Mary.( )3. A. She did her homework. B. She went to bed.C. She watched TV.六、Listen and choose.(听短文,选择正确答案。)5%( )1. Jim is a boy of.A. eleven B. seven C. twelve( )2. Jim usually Bets up at.A. 7:30 B. 8:30C. 6:30( )3. Jim is always late for.A. school B. busC. breakfast( ) 4. Jim can see pet shop on his way.A. to school B. to the zooC. home( )5. Jims birthday is on.A. January the fifteenth.B. January the fifthC. Janu


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