Savage WorldsReality BlursOld School Fantasy #8Light and Dark英文电子书.pdf

Savage WorldsReality BlursOld School Fantasy #8Light and Dark英文电子书.pdf

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REALITY BLURS ADVENTURE EIGHT LIGHT DARK BY DAVE OLSON aDveNTURe eIGHT lIGHT DaRK WRITING Dave OlsON eDITING PROOFING TOM CaDOReTTe NORM HeNsley layOUT GRaPHIC DesIGN seaN PResTON Permission is granted to print this ebook. No site license is given. Old School Fantasy is copyright 2010, Reality Blurs, LLC. All rights reserved. Old School Fantasy, Reality Blurs, and all associated trademarks and logos are the property of Reality Blurs, LLC. This material is protected under the Copyright Act of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of Reality Blurs, LLC. This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at . Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product. lIGHT DaRK INTRODUCTION Corruption is a powerful force, one that few understand and nearly none learn to control. A terrible plague sweeps throughout the land, infecting hundreds of people, and its source seems to be the walled city of Hopewell. Brave heroes become entangled in dire affairs as terrible events unfold around them. Only by following the corruption to its hideous source and confronting the terrible powers that lurk behind it can the heroes hope to triumph. But is it too late for them already? TWeaKING THe aDveNTURe This adventure is designed for a party of four to six Seasoned heroes, tho



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