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摘 要 赵家寨井田位于河南省新郑市西侧,行政区划属新郑市辛店镇和城关镇及新密市大隗镇管辖。该矿为瓦斯矿井。本文开始对矿井的概况进行了介绍,针对二1煤层瓦斯含量较高等问题,结合该矿的实际情况,对该矿二1煤层透气性系数和钻孔瓦斯流量衰减系数进行了实测,结合矿井瓦斯来源和煤层瓦斯含量分析,该矿必须建设瓦斯抽放系统。本矿井二1煤层采用以本煤层瓦斯抽采为主、采空区和邻近层瓦斯抽采为辅,预抽与边采边抽、边掘边抽相结合的综合抽采方法,并且对抽放方法的一些工艺方法和参数进行了设计。随后又确定了比较合理的抽放系统管网布置形式,选择了与抽放能力相匹配的瓦斯抽放泵型号及泵站的附属设施。最后又对管路敷设、附属装置的安装及系统的安全措施,还有一些具体的安全操作要求进行了比较详细的说明。 关键词:赵家寨煤矿 瓦斯抽放 设备选型 方案设计 Abstract The Zhaojiazhai mine located west of xinzheng city, Henan province, administrative division is xinzheng city xindianzhen and the jurisdiction of the town of Chengguan town, xinmi city a surname. The mine is a gas outburst. In the beginning of this article for an overview of the coal mine was introduced to No. 2-1 coal, gas content, combined with a higher reality, the mine of the No. 2-1 Coal Mine Ventilation factor and drilling gas flow attenuation coefficient for the real-time monitoring, combined with gas coal seam gas sources and content analysis, the mine had to be built in gas extraction system.This mine in No. 2-1 to the coal seam gas from extraction, mining and the adjacent empty layer gas from extraction to be supplemented by pre-sampling, and side-side, the side edges digging a combination of integrated suction units, and the method of some process of methods and parameters for the design.Finally, the line laying, the device is installed and the systems security measures, there are a number of specific security requirements in more detail. Keywords: Zhao Jia Zhai Gas Drainage Equipment Selection Design 目 录 前 言 1 1 矿井概况 4 1.1 井田概况 4 1.1.1 交通位置 4 1.1.2 地形地貌 4 1.1.3 地表水系 4 1.1.4 气象、地震 4 1.1.5 电源、水源情况 6 1.1.6 通信条件 6 1.2 井田地质特征 6 1.2.1 井田地质 6 1.2.2 煤层及煤质 7 1.2.3 煤层瓦斯 10 1.2.4 水文地质 12 1.3 矿井开拓、开采概况 13 1.3.1 井田境界 13 1.3.2 资源/储量 14 1.3.3 井田开拓与开采 16 1.4 矿井通风系统概况 17 1.4.1 通风系统 17 1.4.2 矿井瓦斯涌出量 17 2 矿井瓦斯赋存情况 19 2.1 煤层瓦斯基本参数 19 2.1.1 煤层瓦斯含量 19 2.1.2 煤层透气性系数 21 2.1.3 钻孔瓦斯流量衰减系数 25 2.2 矿井瓦斯储量 26 2.3 矿井可抽瓦斯量及可抽期 27 2.3.1 矿井可抽瓦斯量 27 2.3.2 瓦斯抽放率 27 2.3.3 可抽期 28 3 瓦斯抽放的必要性和可行性论证 29 3.1 瓦斯抽放的必要性 29 3


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