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届 别 2012届 学 号 200814230123 毕业设计(论文) 同城电子商务现状及发展策略分析 ——以“同城购”为例 姓  名 曲 心 平 系 别、 专 业 经济与管理系 信息管理与信息系统 导 师 姓 名、职 称 黄建标 副教授 完 成 时 间 2012年5月 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.2研究方法 1 1.3研究现状 2 1.4相关概念 3 2 “同城购”的发展现状及主要问题 4 2.1“同城购”概述 4 2.2“同城购”模式与功能分析 5 2.3“同城购”的优势及不足 10 3 同城电子商务的发展策略 11 3.1网站推广 11 3.2新型O2O模式 12 3.3选择商品 12 3.4加强质量监管体制 13 3.5统筹规划城市物流配送体系 13 4 前景及展望 13 参考文献 14 致谢 15 摘 要 在市场国际化的今天,电子商务已经成为一种投资的必然渠道,网络对于商业而言,已经日益重要起来。随着网上购物规模的扩大和网购人数的增加,人们对网上购物的服务质量和服务效率的要求越来越高电子商务中存在一些问题这些问题严重打击了消费者网络购物的信心近几年,随着我国网络购物环境的不断成熟,基于地区特色,在城市中的以同城交易为市场的同城电子商务应运而生,而且发展潜力巨大。同城电子商务突破传统电子商务的运行模式,结合同城和网络优势,给城市经济发展带来生机。分析了我国电子商务市场的现状,。Abstract In the internationalization of the market today, e-commerce has become a necessary channel for an investment, in terms of network business has become increasingly important. With the increase in the number of the expansion of the scale of online shopping and online shopping, the increasingly high demand for service quality and efficiency of online shopping. However, some problems still exist in the e-commerce, a serious blow to the confidence of the consumer online shopping. While consumers want convenient shopping experience, the other hand, worries for the virtual network and logistics, after-sales service. In recent years, along with our online shopping environment continues to mature, based on regional characteristics, the city e-commerce trading city for the market, built in the city came into being, and the huge potential for development. The city e-commerce breakthrough in the traditional e-commerce mode of operation, combined with the city and network advantages, and bring vitality to urban economic development. This article has analyzed our country electronic commerce market present situation, in order to buy with the city as an example, the


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