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通用OA公文流转子系统需求分析 摘 要 随着计算机和网络信息技术的迅速发展,办公自动化越来越受到企事业单位的重视,电子公文也应运而生。电子公文与纸质公文不同,它以计算机电子文档为载体,以计算机为处理和存储工具,以计算机网络及其他数据通信介质为传输渠道的新的公文及公文处理形式。具有存储体积小、检索速度快、远距离快速传递及同时满足多用户共享等优点,极大提高了办公效率,更能适应不断增长的业务要求。 本系统是基于.NET平台进行设计开发的,首先讨论了设计与实现该系统的相关技术,然后根据需求分析设计系统的总体结构和功能模块,再通过系统结构、程序结构的设计与开发,构建了一个基于.NET平台,以Asp.NET为实现语言、以SQL server 2005为数据库的系统,实现了公文从拟稿到发文,从收文到承办等的一系列流转过程,具有高效、全面、易用等特点。 关键词:Web;办公自动化;电子公文;.NET;B/S ABSTRACT The development of Office Automation is attached more and more importance by institutions and enterprises with the rapid development of computers and information technology, the electronic official document emerges at the historic moment. The electronic official document is different to the paper official document. It is a new form for official document management, with carrier by computer electronic document, with processing and storage tools by computer, with transmission channels by computer networks and other data communications medium. The electronic official document has excellence of store small, retrieval speed, transmit remotely, and so on. Compare with the paper official document, it enhances office efficiency greatly, can meet the growing operational requirements. The system is designed by making use of .NET platform. In this paper, first discussed the designment and realization of the system related technologies, and then design a system based on the requirements analysis of the overall structure and functional modules, and through the system structure and programming process, establish an efficient, comprehensive and usable electronic official document system based on .NET platform, language of Asp.NET and SQL Server database, which achieves a series of flow processes such as documents’ drafting, dispatching, receiving, undertaking. Keywords: Web; Office Automation; Electronic official document; .NET; B/S 目 录 第1章 前言 3 1.1 OA背景 3 1.2 系统开发的目的及意义 3 1.3 系统开发的内容 3 1.4 办公自动化的特点 3 1.5 办公自动化的发展趋势 3


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