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湖北省全民健康生活方式行动效果评价 任世成 张庆军 湖北省疾病预防控制中心慢病所 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 目的 分析全民健康生活方式行动对居民健康知识和生活方式的影响。方法 在湖北省某地级市 (黄冈市) 所辖的开展全民健康生活方式行动项目的县区 (武穴) 和一个未开展该行动的对照县区 (黄梅) 中共随机抽取1 024名调查对象, 通过面对面问卷调查的方式, 调查对平衡膳食、吸烟、运动及常见疾病的了解程度和生活方式。结果 项目县区健康生活方式行动知晓率、健康生活方式内容知晓率、健康生活方式相关知识知晓率、健康生活方式行为采用情况等4类29项指标较对照县区相应数据均有显著提高, 差异有统计学意义。结论 开展全民健康生活方式行动的县区, 人群对健康生活方式的“知”“信”“行”各方面都有不同程度的提升, 对辖区居民在控制体重、控盐、控油及改善膳食结构、提高运动量等有关慢性病防控行为方面有积极意义。 关键词: 全民健康; 生活方式; 项目评价; 横断面调查; 收稿日期:2016-06-21 基金:国家卫计委医改重大专项项目 (慢性病综合干预防控项目) A Survey on the Efficacy of China Healthy Life Style for Allin Hubei Province REN Shicheng ZHANG Qingjun Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Abstract: Objectives To study the efficacy ofChina Healthy Lifestyle for All (CHLA) .Methods Under similar GDP Status, two counties (one with CHLA and the other not) were randomly selected from Hubei province of China.Cluster randomized sampling method was performed to select 500 over 18-year-old from each county.Face-to-face questionnaire interview was used to collect data related to the knowledge, awareness and behavior on healthy lifestyle.Generalized Estimated Equation was fitted for the multi-factor analysis.Results A total of 1 024 subjects were surveyed, with 505 from the‘CHLAcounty.Compared with the control group, both urban and rural areas, the CHLA group seemed more likely to be aware of the Campaign itself and the knowledge on healthy lifestyle, as well as consciously limiting the salt and oil intake, after adjusting other factors, such as county, gender, age and education.Statistically significant difference were found in the rates of awareness on the Campaign (76.97% and 9.85%, P0.001) , the rates of consciously limiting the salt intake (69.11% vs.25.87%, P0.001) , the rates of using salt measuring spoons (85.35% vs.16.41%, P0.001) , and the rates of using scaled oil pots (37.03% vs.14.87%, P0.001) in the CHLA and control groups respectively.T


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