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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读材料之谷歌地图服务将收费? 您当前的位置 ? 智课教育官网 ? 托福 ? 托福阅读 ? 文章正文 出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 Businesses to be hit as Google starts charging for maps service 谷歌地图服务收费 重度用户将受严重影响 Googles services have famously been built on the principle of offering something for nothing. But that approach is over - at least where Google maps is concerned. 谷歌服务有个著名的基本原则:免费提供。不过这种方法现在已经行不通,至少就谷歌地图而言,免费时代已经过去了。 The API - script that allows sites to build Google Maps into their sites or apps will no longer be free for heavy users from January 1, 2012. 自2012年1月1日起,谷歌地图的重度用户将无法再免费将谷歌地图应用程序界面构建到他们的网站或应用中。 Google is keen to emphasise, though, that the changes wont hit sites or apps who are light users of Google Maps. 不过谷歌很迫切地强调这些改变不会对谷歌地图轻度用户的网站或应用造成影响。 Ordinary restaurants or hotels, say, wont be affected. To be charged, you have to hit 25,000 map loads per day. 一般的餐馆和宾馆不会受到影响。只有每天地图下载量超过2.5万才会开始收费。 But a substantial number of sites could be affected. Worldwide, there are 1,115,421 different websites and apps using Google Maps into their site, according to site metric specialist Builtwith. 不过还是会有很多网站将会受到影响。 网站跳出率(小编注:跳出率是衡量访问质量的单位,指单页访问次数或访问者从进入目标页离开网站的访问次数百分比)研究专家Builtwith表示,在世界范围内,共有110多万个不同的网站或应用程序在使用谷歌地图。 Travel, shopping, business and news sites look likely to be the ones hit with Googles charges, as these sectors are the heaviest users of the service. 旅游、购物、商务和新闻网站将首当其冲受到重创,这些行业都是谷歌地图服务的重度用户。 Unless site owners agree to the charges, or do a deal with Google, they will be unable to use Google Maps. 除非这些网站所有者同意付费,或与谷歌公司达成协议,否则他们将无法使用谷歌地图。 No site exceeding these limits will stop working immediately, said Google via its official map blog. 谷歌通过官方地图博客表示:“超过时间期限的网站也不会马上被停止地图服务。” We understand that developers need time to evaluate their usage, determine if they are affected, and respond if necessary. There are three options available for sites that are exceeding the limits. “我们很理解这些网站开发者需要时间来评估收费地图服务的使用情况,看


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