
秘鲁简介 中英.ppt

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秘鲁简介 中英

秘鲁国徽 Perus national emblem  中心图案为盾徽。盾面左上方是一只南美骆马,为该国国兽,代表国家的动物资源,也是秘鲁民族的象征之一; 右上方是一棵金鸡纳树,代表该国的植物资源; 下半部为一只象征丰饶的羊角,代表该国的自然资源和矿藏。盾徽上端为一个绿枝叶环;两侧各有两面秘鲁国旗。 Central design for shield emblem. Shield surface at the upper left is a South American llamas, for the kingdom of the beast, on behalf of the state animal resources, is also one of the Peruvian national symbol; Upper cinchona tree is a tree, representing the countrys plant resources; Lower half of abundance for a symbol of the country horn, representatives of natural resources and mineral deposits. Shield emblem on the top is a green branches ring; There are two sides to Perus national flag on each side. 秘鲁档案 Peru files 地理位置:南美洲 面積:1,285,220平方公里(台灣的36倍) 人口:2720萬人 (2005年統計) 首都:利馬( Lima) 官方語言:西班牙語 Location: South America Area: 1,285,220 square kilometers (Taiwans 36 times) Population: 2720 million (2005 statistics) Capital: Lima (Lima) The official language: Spanish 秘鲁档案 Peru files 貨幣: 秘魯披索 PEN ( PEN:TWD=1:10.9 2008年匯率) 氣候:安地斯高山區域 5 ~ 9 月乾冷, 10 ~ 4 月濕熱多雨 時區:GMT-5(比台灣慢13小時) 簽證:免簽證 Currency: Peru peso PEN (PEN TWD = 1:10. 9, 2008 exchange rates) Climate: the andes mountains area 5 ~ September dry cold, 10 ~ April hot and humid much rain Time zone: GMT - 5 (slower than Taiwan 13 hours) 玛卡 MACA MACA,一种生长在南美洲秘鲁安地斯山区海拔四千米以上的高原上的植物。   数千年来MACA一直被印加人看做是安地斯山神赐的礼物,当时印加人除了把MACA当成果腹的食物外,还意外发现MACA可以增加体力、增强耐力 MACA, a kind of growth in South America Peru the andes altitude above four kilometers plateau of plants. For thousands of years MACA has been incas as give gifts, hills andes of Inca MACA as the person besides dine food outside, still accidental discovery MACA can increase strength, increases endurance 秘鲁水獭(Lontra felina), 一种很稀少的水獭。属于哺乳纲食肉目鼬科水獭亚科。美洲獭属它们是南美洲中最多栖于海上的水獭,甚至很少到淡水或海口的地方。 分布秘鲁水獭分布在南美洲西南部的滨海带。秘鲁南部、智利沿海及阿根廷的最南端是它们栖息最近岸的地方。它们最远可达福克兰群岛。 Peruvian otters, is a rare otters. Belong to BuRuGang carnivorous mesh itachi secco otter subfamilies. America is in South America of otters they went to sea otters ben



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