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: 邱均平 王菲菲 基于共现与耦合的馆藏文献资源深度聚合研究探析 Qiu Junping,Wang Feifei :An Exploration of In-depth Aggregation of Library Document Resources Based on Co-occurrence and Coupling 0 25 DOI :CNKI :11-2746 / G2. 1031. 001 基于共现与耦合的馆藏文献资源深度聚合研究探析* 邱均平 王菲菲 , , 摘 要 本文从共现与耦合的理论原理出发 着眼于计量学中共现与耦合方法在馆藏资源聚合中的应用 从文献特征关 、 、 、 , 、 、 联 利用过程关联 知识关联 用户需求关联四维角度探讨了典型的八种馆藏文献资源聚合模式 分别是基于机构 学者 、 、 、 、 — — , 主题 知识 文献 期刊 用户需求的关联聚合以及研究主体 研究客体 研究载体交叉关联聚合 并构建了基于共现与 。 耦合的馆藏数字文献资源聚合四层模型 该模型涵盖从馆藏数字文献资源的初始数据准备到共现路径与计量方法的设 , , , 计 再到不同资源聚合模式和聚合深度与层次的引入 直至针对用户需求的聚合结果获取 串联了资源与用户之间的整 。 1。 1。 37 。 个路径 图 表 参考文献 关键词 数字图书馆 资源聚合 共现 耦合 分类号 G250 An Exploration of In-depth Aggregation of Library Document Re- sources Based on Co-occurrence and Coupling Qiu Junping & Wang Feifei ABSTRACT Based on the principle of co-occurrence and coupling , this paper focuses on application of these two methods in library resources integration , discusses the mechanism of eight kinds of library resources integration modes ( associated integra- tions based on institutions , scholars , themes , knowledge , documents , periodicals , user demand and cross-associated integration of research subject , object and carrier) from four dimensional angles , such as literature characteristics association , using process association , knowledge association and user needs association; and then proposed a four-layer model of digital literature re- sources integration based on co-occurrence and coupling. The model covers the entire path from resources to us


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