基于单总线的门禁管理系统 精灵论文.doc

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基于单总线的门禁管理系统 精灵论文

基于单总线的门禁管理系统 陈羲梅 (中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院,江苏 徐州 221008) 摘要:在数字技术网络技术飞速发展的今天门禁技术得到了迅猛的发展。门禁系统早已超越 了单纯的门道及钥匙管理,它已经逐渐发展成为一套完整的出入管理系统。它在工作环境安 全、人事考勤管理等行政管理工作中发挥着巨大的作用。传统的电子锁通常在锁内采用电池 或者交流电的方式为控制器供电,失去电力时只能作为普通锁使用,失去防盗作用。本文以 采用单总线(1-Wire Bus)技术、计算机串口、CAN 总线和信息纽扣 iButton 设计为基础, 分析了主要芯片的结构、ROM 命令和功能命令。对单总线的驱动、计算机的串口通信进行 了程序的设计。同时利用 VB 语言和 Aceess 数据库,开发门禁管理系统, 完成了门禁管理 系统操作界面、门禁控制器与上位机的通信以及门禁管理系统数据库编程。所设计门禁管理 系统具有良好的实时监控性,确保门禁系统稳定、高效地工作,该系统具有实际应用价值。 关键词:门禁;单总线;iButton;CAN 总线 中图分类号:TN8 Aceess control system based on 1-wire bus technology CHEN Ximei (Information and Electrical Engineering Institute ,China University of Mining and Technology, Jiangsu Xuzhou 221008) Abstract: In the rapid development of digital technology,access control system has developed quickly.access control system has already beyond the simple doorway and key management.it has gradually developed into a complete access control system.It is playing a huge role in administration such as safe working environment and personal management.Traditional electronic locks are usually used battery or AC to supply power for the controller in thelock.Loss of power,it can only be used as an ordinary lock,lost its security role.In this paper,we use 1-wire bus technology,serial ports ,CAN bus and iButton for our design.And describe the structure of the main chip,ROM command and function commands.We design 1-wire bus drive and the program of computer serial port communication. At the same time using VB language and Aeccss database to develop aceess control system,completing aceess control system interface,communication of aceess controller and PC and database programming of aceess management system.This aceess control system has good real-time monitoring,ensuring aceess control system is stable and efficient work.The system has practial application. Key words: aceess; 1-wire bus;iButton;CAN bus 0 引言 门禁系统是对重要区域或通道的出入口进行管理与控制的系统,它是一种新型现代化安 全管理系统,它集微机自动识别技术和现代安全管理措施为一体,涉及电子、机械、 光学、 计算机技术、


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