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Foreign Language World No. 5 2014 (General Serial No. 164)
林 岩
提要 近 , ,
年来 英语教育领域逐渐对加强学生思辨能力培养达成了共识 关于如何在英语技能课中培养学生
, 。
思辨能力的研究有所增长 但是关于如何在英语专业知识课中培养学生思辨能力的研究仍相对较少 本文报
。 , ,
究 研究对学生写作和学生访谈进行了分析 发现密集读写任务在培养学生思辨能力方面效果明显 与此同
时学生在专业知识和英语写作能力方面也取得了较大发展 本行动研究对广大英语专业知识课教师具有一
: ; ;
关键词 英语专业知识课 思辨能力 密集读写任务
Abstract :In recent years ,it has been recognized that students critical thinking skills should be strengthened in
English education ,and the studies on how to cultivate students critical thinking skills in teaching of English skills
have been increasing. However ,the studies on how to foster students critical thinking skills in English content
courses are still scanty. This paper reports an action research conducted in the course of Introduction to International
Relations for English majors in a university in Beijing. The analysis results of the students writing and interview data
show that the intensive reading-and-writing practice of the course is effective in developing their critical thinking
skills. Meanwhile ,the students also improve their disciplinary knowledge and English skills. The action research is
therefore of certain implications for teaching of English content courses.
Key words :English content courses ;critical thinking skills ;intensive reading-and-writing practice
中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004 - 5112 (2014)05 - 0011 - 09
1. 引言
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