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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 英语难句透析——倒装句 英语句子通常有两种语序,一种是自然语序(Natural Order),又称 正装语序,另一种便是本章要介绍的倒装语序(Inverted Order)。   从形式上分,倒装有两种:全部倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion)。谓语动词全部位于主语之前的称作全部倒装,例如:In front of me stood a boy. (我面前站着一个男孩。)只将谓语动词的一 部分(通常是助动词或情态动词)放在主语之前的称作部分倒装,例如: Only in this way can we do it better. (只有这样,我们才能做得更好 一些)从使用目的区分,倒装也有两种情况,即语法倒装(Grammatical Inversion)和修辞倒装(Rhetorical Inversion)。语法倒装是由于语法规 则的要求而必须进行的倒装,例如:Who called me just now?(刚才谁 打给我?)修辞倒装是出于修辞的需要而把正常语序转为倒装语序,例如 :Out rushed the children.(孩子们冲了出去)H·Fowler归纳倒装的原 因有九种,即疑问、命令、惊叹、假设、平衡、衔接、点题(signpost) 、否定和韵律(metrical)。这并不完全,还应加上强调和为使描写更加 生动两种。在英语中 ,倒装句俯拾即是,用得非常普遍 ,但汉语却很少 用,所以在翻译倒装句时 ,仍应按原文词序翻译 ,并照顾汉语的习惯 , 以保持译文句子结构流畅、匀称。本章只列举在阅读文章中常遇到的倒 装现象 ,以使考生熟悉英语和汉语在语序上的差异。   1. Jack London poured into his writings all the pain of his life,the fierce hatred of the bourgeoisie that it had produced in him,and the conviction it had brought to him that the world could be made a better place to live in if the exploited would rise up and take the management of society out of the hands of the exploiters.   第一层 :Jack London 主 poured 谓 into his writings状 all the pain 宾 of his life,定 the fierce hatred 宾 of the bourgeoisie 定 that it had produced in him ,定语从句1 and 连 the conviction 宾 it had brought to him 定语从句2 that the world could be made a better place to live in if the exploited would rise 同位语从句 up and take the management of society out of the hands of the exploiters .   第二层 :(定语从句1)that 引 it 主 had produced 谓 in him 状   (定语从句2)it 主 had brought to 谓 him 间宾   (同位语从句)that 引 the world 主 could be made 谓 a better place 宾 to live in 定 if the exploited would rise up and take the man- 状语从句 agement of society out of the hands of the exploiters.   第三层 :(状语从句)if 引 the exploited 主 would rise up 谓 and 连 take 谓 the management 宾 of society 定 out of the hands of the exploiters 状   要点


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