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四 川 工 程 职 业 技 术 学 院 毕 业 论 文 PAGE PAGE 20 四 川 工 程 职 业 技 术 学 院 毕 业 论 文 编 号________ XXXXXXXXXXXXX学院 大专毕业论文 论招贴的发展及其现状 系 别 艺 术 系 专 业 艺 术 设 计 班 级 08级艺术设计2班 姓 名 X X X 学 号 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 指导教师 XXXXXXXXXXX 2011年 6月 论招贴的发展及其现状 摘要 招贴是现代广告中使招用最频繁、最广泛、最便利、最快捷和最经济的传播手段之一。随着世界经济的飞速发展,商界和企业界对自身形象宣传的重视,同时创意设计也越来越受到艺术界的重视,使现代的招贴设计不但具有传播实用的价值,还具极高的艺术欣赏性和收藏性。招贴设计作为高校艺术设计类专业的主要课程和其他设计一样,最重要的是有一个好的创意。好的创意,能恰当的点破主题、提供新颖的表现手法,引人入胜。招贴的生命和灵魂在于创意。创意是招贴创作的核心,它能使招贴的主题突出并具有深刻的内涵,招贴能否在瞬间吸引观众,使人产生心理上的共鸣,从而达到迅速准确地传达信息的目的,已成为招贴作品获得成功的最关键因素,也是现代招贴最主要的特征之一。 关键词:实用价值 商业价值 创意 迅速传达 Theory poster design Abstract Poster is used in modern advertising the most frequent, most widespread, the most convenient and the most efficient and one of the most economic means of dissemination. With the rapid development of the world economy, business and corporate image campaigns for itself, and creative design the attention of more and more attention of the art world too, make modern poster design not only have spread practical value, still have high art of appreciating and collecting. Poster design, as the art design kind professional main course and other same design, the most important is to have a good idea. Good originality, can proper dissected theme, providing innovative way of expression, fascinating. Signs of life and soul is creative. Creativity is the core of posters, it can be created to the theme of the posters profound connotations prominent and instantly, poster can attract viewers, make the person produces psychological resonance, thus reach quickly and accurately convey information purpose, has become the most successful poster works key factors, is also the most important characteristic modern poster one. Keywords: practical value commercial value originality quickly convey 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 绪论6 HYPERLINK \l _Toc262824949 一、招贴的释义6 招贴的历史沿革7


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