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编号: 传感器实训 (论文)说明书 题 目: 基于压电陶瓷片的振动计数器 学 院: 应用科技学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2010年 7 月 10 日 摘 要 本设计个部分组成:传感器、、电源模块,传感器部分采用的传感器能感知转换成电信号。这种电信号是连续变化的模拟信号振荡延时 Abstract The design of piezoelectric vibration counter consists of four components: the sensing element; signal amplifying part, display part and the single chip processing module, the sensor part of the use of piezoelectric ceramic sensor can sense both the surface deformation and mechanical signals and translate it into electrical signal. This electrical signal is a continuous change of the analog signal, the waveform tends to a sine wave, on the other hand , due to the strength of this signal is very weak, single chip can not feel its signal, Therefore we need to make amplification at analog signal processing this signal in a single chip. Owing to this design is aimed at piezoelectric vibration counter, it is a sensor based on AT89S52 MCU, the sensor is a piezoelectric ceramic witch can feel the knock sensor issue made by the power conversion to electrical signals by LM358 amplification chip, and then connect the NE555 chip circuit and oscillation delay, after which the electrical signal will be detected by a microcontroller of AT89S52, then the digital control by doing a static display module shows the number of percussion. Key words: AT89S52 microcontroller; iezoelectric ceramic sensor; LM358 operational amplifiers; NE555 oscillator delay; 目 录 引 言 1 1.设计目标和实现方法 2 2.方案论证与设计 2 2.1 传感器模块 3 2.1.1压电效应 3 2.1.2 压电陶瓷片传感器的工作原理 4 2.2 信号放大模块 4 2.3 振荡延时模块 5 2.4单片机模块 5 2.5 显示模块 6 3. 硬件电路设计 6 3.1主要器件 6 3.2功能和操作 7 3.3硬件调试: 8 4.软件设计 9 4.1 程序流程图 9 4.2实验程序及其分析 10 5. 总结 13 谢 辞 14 参考文献 15 引 言 现代信息技术的三大基础是信息的拾取、传输和处理技术,也就是传感技术、通信技术和计算机技术,它们分别构成了信息技术系统的“感官”、“神经”和“大脑”。 在信息化社会,几乎没有任何一种科学技术的发展和应用能够离得开传感器和信号探测技术的支 持。生活在信息时代的人们,绝大部分的日常生活与信息资源的开发、采集、传送和处理息息相关。分析当前信息与技术发展状态,21世纪的先进传感器必须具备 小型化、智能化、多功能化和网络化等优良特征。人们通常将能把被测物理量


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