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目 录 摘要 1 1 建设项目前期策划的主要工作内容 3 1.1 建设环境及条件的调查和分析 3 1.2 项目建设的目标论证和项目定义 4 2 建设项目前期策划的意义 5 3 以伊宁市上海城住宅小区为例谈建设项目前期策划 5 3.1主要策划及过程 5 3.2 策划的主要内容 6 3.2.1 建筑周边环境调查和分析 6 3.2.2 住宅小区主题设计 6 3.2.3 户型设计 7 3.2.4 土地资源的充分利用 7 3.2.5 建筑成本的控制和资金的有效利用 7 3.2.6 技术经济指标及附图 8 3.3 策划中问题的解决和防范 10 4 建设项目前期策划存在的问题 10 5 做好建设项目前期研究的措施 11 6 结论 12 谢 辞 13 参考文献 14 建设项目前期策划研究 ——以伊宁市上海城住宅小区为例 作者: 指导老师: 摘要:工程项目的前期策划工作,包括项目的构思、情况调查、问题定义、提出目标因素、建立目标系统、目标系统优化、项目定义、项目建议书、可行性研究、项目决策等。一般来说,,并对项目建设有现实的指导意义;要重视对建设项目进行详细的功能、结构、文化、生态、环境、环保、交通等方面的详细研究。 关键词:项目建设;前期策划;住宅小区;上海城 Early Planning on Construction Projects to Yining City Shanghai Residential Area as an Example Author: Li Heng Instructor: Xiao Feng Abstract:The early stage of project planning, including the idea of the project, surveys, the problem definition, the proposed objectives, the establishment of the target system, the target system optimization, project definition, project proposals, feasibility studies, project decision-making. Generally speaking, the success of a construction project. Of the project depends on good decision-making and the organization and implementation of the follow-up, and a good decision-making often on the success or failure of the entire project plays a vital role. Undoubtedly, good project planning stage for the development of projects to provide scientific support for decision-making, the project is an important factor in the success of the development. In this paper, At present, Chinas most construction projects on the awareness of the work of planning there had been a misunderstanding, not on the planning stage attention. It must be noted that the content of the project planning must be science-based, and construction projects has practical significance for guiding; attention should be paid on a construction project in detail the function, structure, culture, ecology, and environment, environmental protection, transport, and so the details Research Key words:Construction projects;Early planning;Plan


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