必修 2 unit 1 知识点整理.doc

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必修 2 unit 1 知识点整理

必修 2 unit 1 知识点整理 请根据语义及提示写出单词  1. Time is like t__________, so we must value it.  2. We use flowers and balloons to d__________ our classroom on New Years Day.  3. Illegally parked cars will be r__________ by traffic police.  4. We have found further scientific __________ (证据) for this theory.  5. You can leave a message with __________(接待处). 6. Many customs have __________(流传下来)from earlier times.  7. These exercises are __________(设计) to strengthen muscles.  8. I dont d__________ that Chinese diet is the healthiest in the world.  9. They all went out in s__________ of the lost child. 10. The difficulty was how he could __________(证实)his idea to other scientists. 请根据语义写出短语  1. look __________ 调查  2. belong __________ 属于 3. in search __________ 搜寻,寻找  4. __________ return 作为报答;回报  5. be __________ for 为……设计  6. take __________ 拆开  7. think __________ of 看重;器重  8. __________ as 担任,任职 ① survive vi. 根据语境猜词义 (1) He survived his sister by five years. (2) I dont know you all manage to survive on Jacks salary. (3) I dont think I could survive another year as a teacher. (4) Did anyone survive the air crash? 根据语义找匹配 A. 比……活得长 B. 靠……维持生活 C. 从……中逃生;从……幸存下来 D. 从(困难中)挺过来 链接 survivor n. 生还者;幸存者 survival n. 存活,幸存 短语 survive sth. 在……之后仍然生存;从……中逃生survive sb. (by…)比……活得长(……年) survive on sth. 靠……存活下来survive from…从……存活下来;流传下来 用survive的正确形式填空 Mr. Green was the only (1)______ who (2) ______(在地震中幸存). He told us he (3) ______ a bottle of mineral water. Everyone said his (4)______ was a miracle. 温馨提示 “在……中幸存,战胜……而存活”,survive后无需加介词in或from。 ② light v. n.adj. 根据语境猜词义 (1) Our classrooms take great advantage of the natural light. (2) The stage was lit by bright spotlights. (3) Take your light blue jacket; anyway, its light. (4) With a lighted candle, she walked along the corridor to her bedroom. (5) Her face was lit by a smile. (6) He gave me a light touch on the shoulder. 根据语义找匹配 A. 点燃的  B. 照亮  C. 光  D. 浅色的  E. 轻便的  F. 容光焕发 G. 轻的


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