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本科毕业设计说明书 设计一条年产160万吨熟料的铜山水泥厂 THE DESIGN TO PRODUCE 160 MILLION TONS OF CEMENT CLINKER FOE TONGSHAN设计一条年产160万吨熟料的铜山水泥厂 (重点车间—水泥粉磨) 本次设计的任务是一条日产5000t水泥熟料生产线。设计的内容包括厂址选择、全厂布局、窑的选型、配料计算、物料平衡计算、各生产车间工艺设计及主 机选型、物料的储存和均化、重点车间设计等。 设计的生料磨采用立磨之王MLS4513,其主要特点是粉磨能耗低,占地少,结构简单,可露天化布置。它发粉磨效率高,烘干能力大,入磨物料大,大中型立磨可以省掉二级破碎;产品的化学成份稳定,颗料级配均齐,产品料度均齐,有利于煅烧;工艺流程简单,噪音低,扬尘少,操作环境清洁; 金属损耗小,利用率高,使用经济。 水泥粉磨环节,采用目前较为广泛使用的辊压机预粉磨系统,该粉磨系统系将物料先经辊压机辊压后送入后续球磨机粉磨成成品。本次设计采用了利用窑尾废气预热生料和粉煤灰的有效方法来降低系统热耗,把篦冷机出来的多余热气体作为热源来烘干煤粉。 关键字:配料,选型,物料平衡,立磨,预粉磨系统 THE DESIGN TO PRODUCE 160 MILLION TONS OF CEMENT CLINKER FOE TONGSHAN ABSTRACT The task is to design a cement which product clinker of 5000t everday.This design contents site selection,the whole plant layout,the selection of rotary kiln,burden calculation,maturial balance calculations,the production workshop process design and host selection, storage and materials are of the workshop focused on the design steps. Design of raw material grinding usingvertical mill which name′s MLS4513.It′s main features is less of grinding energy,gringing efficiency,a better drying capacity,the large particle size into the mill,Medium-sized of vertical mill can save the second broken.The chemical composition of it′s products is very stable,The size distribution of Granule is uniform.The more products are homogeneous Liaoduo,the better for conducive to burning;It haimple process,low noise,less dust,cleanly operating environment,loss of small metal,highly utilization rate,and more cheaper to use. When in the Aspects of cement grinding,it′s more widely used by the current pre-grinding system with roller pressDepartment of the grinding system before the material after rolling by the roller press grinding mill into finished products into the follow-up. The design uses a kiln exhaust gas by preheating the raw material and fly ash and effective way to reduce system heat dissipation,Out of the cooler gas as the source of excess heat to dry coal. KEYWARDS:ngredients,model selction,Materia


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