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摘  要 根据自卸车上提供的参数以及其要求,设计轮边减速器。该车自重23吨,总重55吨,载重32吨。驱动形式是4×2,要求轮边减速器的速比为4.47。由于其工作环境较差,且其载重量大,对其结构的强度要求较高。首先按照经验估算一下齿轮副的齿数,然后按照扭矩特性和轮齿的弯曲强度公式计算出齿轮副的模数。计算出基础参数以后就可以根据该参数设计齿轮副的其它尺寸和参数。对该齿轮副进行效率检验,强度校核。 作为传动系统的最后一级,轮边减速器承受着最大的扭矩,因此齿轮副的强度是否满足要求至关重要。本文中运用辅助软件对齿轮副进行强度检验。 一是利用有限元分析软件。ANSYS是一款很实用的有限元分析软件,利用该软件可以很好的模拟齿轮的受力状况。可以将齿轮模型简化,将其完全约束,然后施加三个成一百二十度的对称载荷,以检测其受力状态。通过有限元的分析,可以很清楚的看到齿轮各点的受力状态,并且可以察看到危险的面或点,一般危险点在齿根部分,从应力大小可以判断齿轮是否会发生失效。 二是利用PROE自带的结构分析功能,该软件也可以很方便的模拟,仿真齿轮的受力状态,其功能与ANSYS相似。操作起来也比较简单。 将这两种校核结果相比较,得知本文中所设计的齿轮副是满足强度要求的,且其其它方面,如传动速比,传动效率和安装条件等都符合要求。 最后还使用了matlab遗传算法对齿轮结构进行优化,和本文设计的减速器进行比较,结果相近,说明本文中设计的结构是较合理的。 结论:通过计算,建模,有限元分析等过程,得知,本文中设计的轮边减速器符合传动效率,强度等要求,通过优化,得知结构较合理 Designing the wheel-side planetary reducer of theSGA3550 Abstract In this article,it introduces the designing of the wheel-side planetary reducer.According to the harsh working environment and the large loads,we choose NGW planetary reducer.This kind of structure is simple, efficient transmission, lower cost and easy to manufacture. According to the given parameters,choose the best gear numbers and the m..Principle is that make sure the size of the structure is as small as possible. Calculated all parts of the structure’s size, and then check it’s strength.Design the structure forms of the bearings and the spline. After the completion of mechanical design,we have to establish the main parts of the three-dimensional model with PROE software.While establishing the three-dimensional of the gears,we can ignore the unimportant conditions ,so that we can get a easy and simple model.As the sun gear and the planetary gear bears a large force,so, we can focus on them. Use the pro/mechanism to analyze the structure’s bearing condition,and compare the result with the ANSYS conclusion. At last ,we have to import the model into the ANSYS and go on to the next phase of finite element analysis. In finite element analysis, we can choose a different mesh, to compare their results. 目 录 摘  要 1 Abstract 2 引  言 1


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