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The History of Chinese Animation 中国动漫的发展史 胡蓓蓓 华北科技学院 1.the early period of exploration-before the founding of China Chinese animation has a rich history.During the 20th century ,Chinese animation pioneers brother,three brothers of Wans, began to study animation.It was they that produced Chinas first self-made people co-painting studio scene Havoc in Heaven .In 1935, Chinas first animated sound Offer Camel Dance came out. In 1941, animated by the effects ofSnow White in the USA, Chinas first large-scale animation Princess Iron Fan was produced. 我国的动画片历史渊源流长,20世纪中国的动漫产业先驱万氏三兄弟(万古蟾(1899~1995)、万籁鸣(1899~1997)、万超尘)就开始研究动画制作,第一部中国自制的人画合演出的《大闹天宫》就是他们制作的。1936年,中国第一部有声动画《骆驼献舞》问世。1941年,受到美国动画的影响,制作了中国第一部大型动画《铁扇公主》。 Chinese animation pioneers brother, 万氏三兄弟(万古蟾(1899~1995)、万籁鸣(1899~1997)、万超尘) offer Camel Dance 《骆驼献舞》 Princess Iron Fan ,afterSnow White and Little People and Puppet Adventure in mindof the USA,was the fourth large-scale animation, showing that China was close to the leading level in the world at that time. 中国第一部大型动画《铁扇公主》,在世界电影史上,它是名列美国《白雪公主》、《小人国》和《木偶奇遇记》之后的第四部动画艺术片,标志着中国当时的动画水平接近世界的领先水平。 2.booming period - the founding of the PRC to 1965 After the founding of the PRC, Chinese animation had a very rapid development. Not only works, but also more masterpieces were produced. ,of which a production of 1961-1964 Havoc in Heaven got to the peak level in every parts.During this time, China also began to try to use a different method of animation and bold(大胆的) use of a traditional Chinese art form. 建国后,中国的动画事业可以说是得到了非常快速的发展,不但作品多,而且精品也多.其中特别值得一提的就是1961~1964年制作的《大闹天宫》。《大闹天宫》可说是当时国内动画的颠峰之作.同时,中国也开始尝试应用一种不同的动画形式,大胆地将中国传统艺术应用其中。 In 1947, produced Chinas first animated puppet Emperors Dream 1947年,我国制作了第一部木偶动画《皇帝梦》 In 1960, completed the first water-and-ink animation of small tadpoles look for their mother 1960年,完成了第一部水墨画动画片《小蝌蚪找妈妈》 3. Chinese Cultural Revolution period -1966 to 1977 During the Cultural Revolution, Chinas animation industry was significantly affecte


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