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American Economic Growth before the Civil War The Testimony…
This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau
of Economic Research
Volume Title: American Economic Growth and Standards of Living before
the Civil War
Volume Author/Editor: Robert E. Gallman and John Joseph Wallis, editors
Volume Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Volume ISBN: 0-226-27945-6
Volume URL: /books/gall92-1
Conference Date: July 20-22, 1990
Publication Date: January 1992
Chapter Title: American Economic Growth before the Civil War: The Testimony
of the Capital Stock Estimates
Chapter Author: Robert E. Gallman
Chapter URL: /chapters/c8008
Chapter pages in book: (p. 79 - 120)
2 American EconomicGrowth
before the CivilWar: The
Testimony ofthe Capital
Stock Estimates
RobertE. Gallman
2.1 Introduction
Robert Giffen,ofparadoxfame,thoughtestimatesofaggregate wealthhave
eightuses; the following haveimmediaterelevance:
1. To measure the accumulation of capital in communities at intervals of
somelength . . .
2. Tocomparethe incomeof acommunity, whereestimatesof incomeexist,
with itsproperty ...
4.Tomeasure, in conjunctionwith other factors, suchas aggregateincome,
revenue, and population, the relative strength and resources of different
5. Toindicate generallytheproportionsof the differentdescriptionsofprop-
erty in a country to the total-how the wealth of a communityis com-
6. To measure the progress of a community from period to period, or the
relative progress of two or more communities, in conjunction with the
facts as toprogress in income, population,andthe like;to apply,in fact,
historicallyand in conjunctionwith No. 1,the measures used under the
above heads 2, 3, 4and 5 for a comparison at a given moment. (1889,
Robert E. Gallman is Kenan Professor of Economics and History at the University of North
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