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成大中文學報 第三十五期 2011 年 12 月 1-22 國立成功大學中文系 孔子仁教之形上根據 吳肇嘉* 摘 要 儘管儒家以鮮明的人性主張著名於世,但對於宗師孔子之形上思想,則歷來 有人談及。其原因除《論語》中罕有天道人性之論述外,子貢「夫子之言性與天道, 不可得而聞也」一語亦讓不少學者望而怯步。本文認為,孔子既提出一套旨趣明確 的思想體系,則不可能沒有作為此體系之基礎的形上觀念,故應對《論語》重新審 視。因而本文耙梳《論語》中相關的道德論述,分析各項命題成立的前提,最後由 孔子「志於道,據於德,依於仁」的實踐自述,確認了「仁」作為天道、人性等形 上本體之內涵的意義。「仁」在儒家儘管具有超越性格,但由其能發為「不安」實 感的活動性,亦可以視為天道在經驗界之表現。亦由此,我們可為儒家形上本體的 內涵作出勾畫。 關鍵詞:仁、論語、天道、人性、形上 * 耕莘健康管理專科學校全人教育中心助理教授。 1 成 大 中 文 學 報 第 三 十 五 期 The Metaphysical Basis of Confucius Humanistic Ideas Wu Cha-Chia Assistant Professor, CTCN Holistic Education Center, Cardinal Tien College of Healthcare Management Abstract Although Confucian famous in the world with distinctive human nature theory, for the Master Confucius’s Metaphysical ideas, but few people have been talking about it. In addition to this reason there is few metaphysical discussions in The Analects of Confucius, Zi Gong’s phrase “Master of the words of Human nature and Dao, no one ever heard that.” had so many scholars are prohibitive. We believe that Confucius purport clear ideology must come from the Metaphysics as a basis, and so we must re-examine The Analects of Confucius . After analysis of the proposition in the classic, we proved that the “Ren” as the transcendent essence of the meaning. “Ren” of the concept of Confucian thought, while having the transcendent properties, but because it has the activity to exhibit “Guilt”, so we can be regarded as the performance of Dao in the experience world. So, we would have to be outlined the content of Confucian me



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