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海南大学材料与化工学院 化学工程与工艺专业 设 计 说 明 书 设计题目:年产150000吨润滑油白土精制工艺设计 班 级: 05化工 学 生: 彭世雄 学 号: 20050124014 指导教师: 张德拉 完成日期: 2009年月日 摘 要 润滑油占全部润滑材料的85%,种类牌号繁多,现在世界年用量约3800万吨。本设计课题为:《年产150000吨润滑油白土精制工艺初步设计》。通过对当今国内外“白土精制”主要采用的方法比较,选择“接触法”作为本设计的主要生产方法。此工艺技术比较成熟,应用面较广,工艺和设备均较简单,生产周期较短,收益快。设计的主要内容有:“白土精制”工艺流程设计与论证;物料衡算、热量衡算和设备设计选型;对“三废”的处理和合理利用提出设想,最后对设计项目进行经济估算并做设计评价。 年产150000吨润滑油白土精制工艺设计每天生产润滑精制油468.75t。经济核算表明,项目总投资为5538.97万元,投资收益率为49.8%,投资利税率为74.9%,投资回收期为2年。 关键词:润滑油 白土精制 工艺设计 Abstract Total lubricants 85% of lubricating materials, the types of grades many years now the world with about 38 million tons. The design of the subject as: an annual output of 150,000 tons of refined oil clay preliminary design process. Today at home and abroad through the fine white clay, the main methods used to choose Contact Method as the design of the main production methods. This more mature technology, the application of far more, than a simple technology and equipment, shorter production cycles, faster gains. The main elements of design are: refined white clay, Design and verification process; material balance, heat balance design and equipment selection; of the three wastes treatment and rational use of ideas, and finally to design projects and has done economic estimates design evaluation. Annual production capacity of 150,000 tons of refined oil clay lubrication process design production of refined oil a day 468.75t. Economic accounting shows that the total project investment of 268,827,900 yuan, the investment yield of 49.8%, investment profit rate of 74.9%, investment recovery period is 2 years. Keyword: lubricating oil、echnological Design. 目 录 前言………………………………………………………………………………6 1. 总论 …………………………………………………………………………6 1.1设计的目的和意义 ……………………………………………………6 1.2设计依据 ………………………………………………………………7 1.3指导思想 ………………………………………………………………7 1.4设计范围 ………………………………………………………………8 1.5设计重点 ………………………………………………………………8 1.6生产规模及产品执行质量标准 ………………………………………8 1.7产量方案


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