《京华烟云》翻译presentation 荆宇辰.ppt

《京华烟云》翻译presentation 荆宇辰.ppt

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《京华烟云》翻译presentation 荆宇辰

* Moment in Peking 京华烟云 张振玉译 瞬息京华 郁飞译 And they both had the liveliest time discussing passages in the Book of Poetry that the teacher had refused to explain, passages about girls eloping with boys, a gentleman “ tossing in bed” for love, and about a widow with seven sons who still wanted to remarry. 张振玉: 于是俩人就讨论《诗经》上老师不肯解释的文句,谈论有关男女私奔的章节,讨论“ 窈窕淑女,君子好逑,求之不得,辗转反侧”,还有妇人有子七人还想再嫁的事,于是说得热闹异常。 郁飞:于是两人就热烈讨论塾师不肯讲清楚的《诗经》章节,什么“求我庶士,迨其今兮”,什么 “ 窈窕淑女,寤寐求之 ;求之不得,……辗转反侧”,什么“有子七人,莫慰母心。” “What about a tongue-twisting rhyme?” suggested Coral. The company assented. And Coral began to say a tongue-twisting, jaw-breaking rhyme consisting of confusingly similar syllables, something like this: A big dark dog met a bad black duck. Now did the big dark dog bark at the bad black duck? Or did the bad black duck peck(啄) at the big dark dog? 郁飞:珊瑚提出“来段绕口令怎样?”大家同意了。珊瑚就开始说一则绕口令:一只大黑狗遇上一只坏黑鸭。是大黑狗向坏黑鸭吠,还是坏黑鸭啄那只大黑狗? 张振玉:珊瑚说:“说个绕口令可以吗?”大家答应了。于是珊瑚说:山前有个崔粗腿,山后有个粗腿崔。二人山前来比腿。也不知崔粗腿的腿比粗腿崔的腿细,还是粗腿崔的腿比崔粗腿的腿粗。 In various aspects of life one passed on from the vulgarity of the simple people to the vulgarity of the educated, and only a few ever graduated from the vulgarity of the educated and returned to the simplicity of the vulgar. 郑陀,应元杰:人们总是从单纯粗俗的脾气进至有教养典型的多,从有教养回到粗俗的少。 林语堂:不得要领。应作大凡世人多由野人之俗,转入雅人之俗,惟有少数能由雅人之俗,再转入俗人之野。 *



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