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区农村信用社贷款信用风险问题研究 XX市XX 区农村信用社贷款信用风险问题研究 内容摘要:党的十七大报告指出国家要重点解决 “三农” 问题,农村信用社作为服务 “三农”特殊的金融机构,不 仅要符合市场经济的发展规律,还要体现自身服务 “三 农”的特点,为农村发展献计献策,为农业发展提供金融 支持,为农民的致富创造良好的金融环境。由于我国广大 农村的经济基础比较薄弱,经济发展比较落后,农村信用 社的业务类型也比较单一,盈利来源主要依靠存贷款利 差,盈利的资产都集中于贷款资产,一旦贷款资产出现风 险,信用社抵御风险的能力就非常有限。这严重的制约了 农村信用社的改革和发展,也影响了农村信用社服务 “三 农”作用的发挥。 本文基于农村信用社存在的风险,并以XX 区农村信用社为 例提出了防范农村信用社风险的对策。首先从金州区的基 本情况、XX 区信用社的基本业绩等方面介绍了XX 区农村信 用社的概况,其次通过分析信用风险的理论含义和度量方 法,引出了金州区农村信用社信用风险的类型和成因,认 为XX 区农信社信用风险的成因包括体制、政策、盈利模式 和管理水平四个方面,最后提出了XX 区农村信用社信用风 险防范管理的对策。 关键词:农村信用社 信用风险 风险防范 Study on the Credit Risk of Loan in Dalian Jinzhou RCU Yu Tao Abstract:The 7th party congress report points out that the country should focus on solving the problems concerning agriculture, farmer and rural area .As a special institution providing services to three agriculture,it should not only meet the development law of the market economy, but also should show its own characteristics to provide stratagem for the rural development and to provide financial support for farmers creating well financial environment. Since the rural economic foundation is weak and the economic development is relatively backward and service of the rural credit cooperatives is rather simple. Thus the resource of revenue mainly relies on loan interest spread. Assets of revenue is mainly from loan assets. Once the loan assets has a risk, the cooperatives’ ability of defending the risk may be very limited. This seriously restricts the rural credit cooperatives’ reform and development, it also influences the service of the three agricultural issues. This thesis is based on the risk of rural credit cooperatives, and provides the countermeasure taking Jinzhou rural credit cooperatives as an example. First , from the basic situation of Jinzhou and the basic performance of Jinzhou credit cooperatives it introduces the general situation of Jinzhou rural credit cooperatives .Second, through the analysis of the theoretical m


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