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材料科學導論 材料科學導論 Introduction of Materials Science Introduction of Materials Science 許正興 國立聯合大學電機工程學系 聯大電機系 電子材料與元件應用實驗室  1. Introduction  2. Introduction of Materials Science and Engineering  3. Atomic Structure and Bonding  4. Crystal Structures and Crystal Geometry  5. Solidification, Crystalline Imperfections and Diffusion in Solids  6. Phase Diagrams 聯大電機系 電子材料與元件應用實驗室 Crystal Structures and Crystal Geometry Solid may be categorized broadly into crystalline and amorphous solids. Crystalline solids, due to orderly structure of their atoms, molecules, or ions possess well-defined shapes. = Metals are crystalline and are composed of well- defined crystals or grains. the grains are small and not clearly observable due to the opaque nature of metals. The Space Lattice and Unit Cells If the atoms or ions form a solid are arrange in a pattern that repeats itself in three dimensions, they form a solid that has long-range order (LRO) and is referred to as a crystalline solid or crystalline material. = metals, alloys, and some ceramic materials. Some materials whose atoms and ions are not arranged in a long-range, periodic, and repeatable manner and possess only short-range order (SRO) = this means that order exists only in the immediate neighborhood of an atom or a molecule. ; such as liquid water = amorphous or noncrystalline 聯大電機系 電子材料與元件應用實驗室 Atomic arrangements in crystalline solids can be described by referring the atoms to the points of intersection of a network of lines in three dimensions. Such a network is called a space lattice. = described as an infinite three-dimensional array



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