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注塑机的组成系统 在进行射出设定时,一般的产品在注塑时至少要设定三段或四段射胶.水口流道为第一段、进浇口处为第二段、产品进胶到90%左右时为第三段、剩余的部分为第四段(亦称末段)。 对于结构简单且外观质量要求不高的胶件注塑时,可采用三段射胶的程序。但对结构比较复杂、外观缺陷多、质量要求高的胶件注塑时,需采用四段以上的射胶控制程序。 设定几段射胶程序,一定要根据流道的结构、浇口的形式/位置/数量/大小、注塑件结构、产品质量状况及模具的排气效果等因素进行科学分析、合理设定。 在进行射出设定时,刚开始不要进行保压设置,以避免损伤模具,或者因产品产品打得太饱,产生毛边后者等现象. 当弄清楚产品胶的流向以及出现产品雏形后,再选择保压来修正产品的各个问题.在选择切保压模式时一般选择位置模式,因这样能直观的进行调整. Injection Molding Closing 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 注塑成型故障排除 Action: 1. Purge heating cylinder 2. Lower material temperature by: - reducing cylinder termperature - decreasing screw speed - reducing back pressure 3. Lower nozzle temperature 4. Check residence time 5. Check machinery purging 6. Shorten overall cycle 7. Check hopper and feed zone for contaminants 8. Check for proper cooling of ram and feed zone 9. Provide additional vents in mould 10. Move mould to smaller shot size press to reduce residence time Action: 1. Increase melt temperature 2. Increase mould temperature 3. Decrease injection speed 4. Eliminate contamination 5. Check percentage regrind 6. Dry material 7. Purge equipment 8. Change material 9. Radius all sharp corners at gate Check mould textures Action: 1. Check venting channels for dirt 2. Decrease injection speed 3. Decrease injection pressure 4. Use programmed injection 5. Check for heater malfunctioning 6. Reduce screw r.p.m. 7. Decrease nozzle temperature 8. Reduce melt temperature 9. Improve mould cavity venting: - add vents to ejector pins - add vents to parting line of part 10. Enlarge gate to reduce frictional burning 11. Alter position and/or increase gate size 1. Decrease injection speed 2. Check nozzle heating 3. Increase mould temperature 4. Increase melt temperature 5. Increase gate size 6. Avoid gating at thick section 7. Modify gate location or angle: directly into wall or pin 8. Use tab gate or submarine pl


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