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17 3 Vo l. 17, N o. 3 2010 6 R esear ch of So il and Water Co nser vatio n Jun. , 2010 * 1 1 2 2 2 罗明达, 杨吉华 , 房用, 王月海 , 王卫东 1. , 27 1018; 2. , 250014) : 3 , : 1) , 2) , , , 3) ) , ) 4) ) , 3 : ; ; ; : S714. 5 : A : 1005- 3409 2010) 03- 00 17- 05 Characteristics of Soil Particles Fractal Dimension underDifferent Vegetation Types in Yiyuan Limestone Mountain 1 1 2 2 2 L U O M ing- da , Y A N G J-i hua , F A N G Y ong , WA N G Y ue- hai , WA N G Wei- dong ( 1. S oil and Water Conserv ation Dep artment of F orestry College , S hand ong A gricultural Univ ers ity , Tai. an, Shandong 27 10 18, China; 2. S handong A cad emy of Forest Sciences, i. nan 250014, China) Abstract:For evaluat ing t he eff ect o f dif f erent f orest stands on soil st ruct ure and f unct ion , charact erist ics of so il par ticles f ract al under f our t ypical v eg et at ions t ypes in Y iyuan limest one mountain w ere st udied ac- cording t he qualit y principle o f soil par ticle size dist ribut ion and t heories of soil fractal. Result s indicat e that : 1) T he soil part icle siz e dist ribut io n of dif ferent veget ation


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