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河 南 工 业 职 业 技 术 学 院 Henan ??Polytechnic ??Institute 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:基于UG的钟表机构参数化设计及运动仿真 班 级: 机 电0702 姓 名: 杜 智 仰 指导教师: 季 祥 摘要 UG(Unigraphics NX)是EDS公司出品的一个产品工程解决方案,它为用户的产品设计及加工过程提供了数字化造型和验证手段。Unigraphics NX针对用户的虚拟产品设计和工艺设计的需求,并对其进行运动仿真,提供了经过实践验证的解决方案。 本文主要以钟表机构为研究对象,对某型号钟表进行了参数化虚拟设计、分别建立了该钟表机构的表座、表盘、表壳、时针、分针、秒针的三维模型。根据钟表的机械原理,通过对钟表进行了建模和运动仿真,介绍了在零件上凸显文字或刻度的方法,通过给钟表的时针、分针和秒针添加角速度,使得它们按照给定的转速比运转。 本文的设计方法通过虚拟设计、虚拟装配,运动仿真,可以验证设计、装配和操作过程与结果的正确与否,以便及早的发现机构设计的问题,对模型进行修改,减少成本损失,并通过可视化显示装配,然后以求达到准确仿真运动,使生产真正在高效、高质量、短时间、低成本的环境下完成,同时又具备了良好的服务。 关键词:UG,参数化,建模,运动仿真,四连杆机构 Abstract UG Unigraphics (EDS) is a company produces NX a product engineering solution for users, it is the product design and machining process and provide the digital modelling. In view of the users Unigraphics NX virtual product design and process design requirements, carries on the motion simulation verified through practice and provides the solutions. Article mainly clockwork as the research object, a type of clocks on the parametric virtual design, established the clockwork table, dial, atlas, clockwise, the second minute, 3d model. According to the principle of mechanical clocks and watches by modeling and simulation movement, introduced in parts of the text or calibration methods highlighted by the hands of the clock to add, and makes them according to the given velocity, the speed ratio. Through the virtual assembly, motion simulation, verify the assembly design and operation process and result is correct or not, in order to find the problem of early, assembling, reduce the cost for modification, and through the visualization, and then to achieve precise assembly simulation movement, production efficiency and high quality in real time, low cost, short of the environment, and has a good service. Keywords: UG, parameterized modeling, simulation and movement 目录 摘要 - 1 - 第一章 绪论 - 3 - 1.1关于UG的简要概述 - 3 - 1.2 UG的一些基本应用功能 - 4 - 1.3关


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