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Unit 2. Information Jobs;口语实战句型-1:工作;關於工作的表達(提問) 1)你的职业是什么/你从事什么工作? What do you do for a living? What’s your occupation? 2)你工作几个小时? What are your working hours everyday? 3) 你的收入怎么样? What’s your salary?/ How is your pay? 4) 到目前为止你喜欢这份工作么? How do you like your job so far? 5) 你工作的工资高么? Is the job well-paid?/ Do you get a good salary? 6) 你们有加班费么? Are you getting overtime pay?; 關於工作的表达(回答) 1)我在一家外企工作.我在IBM上班. I work at a foreign-owned company. I work for IBM 2)我从事外贸方面工作. MY work is foreign trade. 3)我的工资很高. I get a good pay. / I am well-paid. 4) 我的收入很低. I have a very low income. 5) 我觉得工作虽然要求很高,但很有趣.工作很辛苦但蛮刺激的. I found my work demanding but interesting. It’s a hard work, but stimulating.; 1) 我的工作条件很好. We have a very good working condition. 2) 我上午8点上班下午5点下班. We go on shift at 8 in the morning and off shift at 6. 3) 我们的午休时间是12点到1点. We have our lunch break from 12 to 1. 4) 我们通常五点下班. We usually quit work at 5/ We usually punch out at 5. 5) 我希望有份既体面收入又高的工作. I hope that I can have a decent job with good salary. 6) 我的工作时间不固定. My working hours are not fixed.;口语实战句型-2: 工作;1)你的公司经常会要求员工加班么? Are staffs in your company required to work overtime frequently? 2) 你的工作职责是那些? What are the major responsibility of your job? 3) 多数人工作是为了谋生,一些人是为了追求一份事业. Most people work to make a living, some purse a career. 4) 我毕业以后之后一直在外贸公司工作. I have been working in foreign companies since graduation. 5)我想申请休假,最近压力比较大. I would like to ask for leave since I have been under a lot of pressure from the job recently. 6)你们对员工有哪些激励措施? What incentive measures has your company adopted for the staff?;7)我习惯了忙碌的办公室生活,一闲下来就不知道该做什么好? I got used to a busy office life. Once I am free, I don’t know what to do. 8)她的工作很清闲,每天只是听听电话,通过电子邮件和客户沟通. Her job is very easy, simply lifting the telephone and communicating with clients by mail. 9)新公司的工作环境很舒服,人际关系也不复杂. The working environment is quite comfortable in the new company and there are no trou


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