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这个嘛...我的名字缩写是... Well, for starters, my initials spell... 首先 2. 高中生涯很难熬,只要一点好运,便能熬出头。很不幸地 我从来没什么好运。 Life is hard. With a little luck, youll rise above it. Unfortunately, I never had much luck. 3. 大一(高中一年级) Freshman year 4. 抱歉,(这个座位)有人坐了 Sorry. Saved. 5. 比别人优秀、比他人夺目 Outshine 6. 我曾看到过这样一句话:一个人在高中是什么模样决定了TA今后一辈子的状态。对我而言,真心希望这不是真的。 I read somewhere that who you are in high school determines who youll be for the rest of your life. I seriously hope thats not the case. 7. 幸运之神总不眷顾我 The odds arent exactly in my favor. 8. 给我滚! Out of my way! 9. 我现在没这心情. Im not in the mood right now 10. 我摘掉牙套 戴上隐形眼镜 I ditched the braces, I got contacts 11. 你不能控制 发生在自己身上的事,但你能够控制自己对事物的反应。 You cant control the things that happen to you, but you can control the way you react to them. 12. 我只要求请假两天. I only asked for two days off. 13. 这是你应得的. Youve earned it 14. 为…花巨资 Spend a fortune for sth 15. 她高中的时候不叫乔安娜 She didnt go by Joanna in high school. 16. 我居然脑子一片空白完全想不起来了 I cant believe Im blanking on this. 17. 请别管闲事! would you please back off? 18. 死对头 arch nemesis 19. 恶魔 Satans spawn 20. 我当初离开家就是因为她 She is the reason l left home in the first place. 21. 占上风 Get the upper hand 22. 你想得美 In your dreams. 23. 坐前座(副驾驶座) sit shotgun 24. 你去接电话好吗? Will you get the phone, please? 25. 你好美! You look gorgeous. 26. 你真的是烹饪高手 You are a culinary wonder. 27. 别担心她,她只是迟了一会儿 Don’t worry about her. She’s just running late. 28. 我们一直到现在才相识? Our paths havent crossed till now? (类似于咱们说的:跟某某人的生活(没)有交集) 29. 我升官了 I got a promotion. 30. 我认真审视我的人生,发现… I took a hard look at my life, and realized… 31. 我想要帮她说几句好话 I tried to put in a good word for her. 32. 你无法体会我的感觉 You cant relate to what I went through. 33. 你是炙手可热人物(在校园里很受欢迎的人物) You were a supernova. 34. 高中那段时间印象很模糊了,请你别太介意。 High school was such a blur. Please dont take it personally. 35. 他慢慢就会和你熟了 Hell warm up to you. (跟某人变得亲热、关系变好) 36. 你是怎样求婚的? How did you pop the question? I proposed in


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