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摘 要 Modeling?and?Simulation?of? LGZ-30?single?screw?dry?vacuum?pump Abstract The research object of this paper, Dry screw vacuum pump, The suction chamber with no working fluid, ensure the space is pumped from pollution; No oil vapor emissions, guarantee the clean of the external environment. Due to the gaps between the rotor tooth surface of Yin and Yang, thus it can be pumped in addition to containing dust, or corrosive, poisonous gases. The author studies mainly focus on the following aspects: the basic principles of dry screw vacuum pump. Yin and Yang screw type line of research. Screw type face line made bilateral symmetric circular arc line, deduce the mathematical expressions of meshing principle, establish geometric model face type line equation is deduced, and then screw tooth surface equation is deduced. Geometric characteristics research, etc. After the design is completed using SolidWorks software to do motion simulation to do 3D modeling of vacuum pump rotor. And the simulation of rotor motion display their works. Keywords: dry screw vacuum pump rotor type line Three-dimensional modeling Motion simulation 目 录 绪 论 1 1 螺杆型干式真空泵的概述 2 1.1 课题背景及研究意义 2 1.2 螺杆真空泵在国内外的研究现状与发展方向 4 1.3 论文包括的主要内容 5 1.4 论文的组织结构 6 2 螺杆干式真空泵转子型线的研究 7 2.1 常见转子型线比较 7 2.2 单头等螺距矩形螺纹转子型线 8 2.2.1转子型线要素 8 2.2.2转子型线设计原则 9 2.2.3转子螺旋齿面方程 10 3 螺杆干式真空泵工作原理 12 3.1 吸气过程 12 3.2 压缩过程 12 3.3 排气过程 13 4 螺杆干式真空泵设计计算 14 4.1螺杆基本尺寸 14 4.2排气量 16 4.2.1理论排气量 16 4.2.2实际排气量 17 4.3进排气孔口 18 4.3.1轴向进气口 18 4.3.2轴向排气口 19 4.4极限真空度、功率及冷却水量 19 4.5轴的强度计算 20 4.6同步齿轮的设计计算 20 4.6.1齿轮尺寸计算 21 4.6.2齿轮强度校核 21 5 单头螺杆干式真空泵的应用 22 5.1 应用范围 22 5.2 抽气原理与结构 22 6 三维建模与运动仿真 23 6.1 SolidWorks介绍 23 6.2 转子三维建模 24 6.3 转子运动仿真 26 结 论 27 参考文献 28 致 谢 29 绪 论 1905年德国人沃尔夫岗.盖德发明了油封式旋片泵,从此各种以油为工作液、润滑剂、密封液的真空泵如雨后春笋般迅速普及,统治了真空设备市场近百年。从真空工业的视角来看,如果说20世纪是有油真空泵的世纪,那么21世纪将是干式真空泵的世纪。因为,各种形式的有油真空泵在工作过程中不可避免的随同排出的气体一起排出了大量的油污,这些油污能够严重的污染环境。随着利学技术的发展,要求提供比较清洁真空环境的真空工艺越来越多,甚至近于达到苛刻的要求,如微电子、化学、冶金、医疗、核聚变领域以及宇航、新材料的开发等技术领域


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