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沥青路面标段施工成本控制技术及方法 摘 要 现阶段施工企业都把“利润”作为企业最重要的管理核心,这是企业保持改革、稳定和可持续发展的基础。加强公路工程项目的成本管理与控制,是提高施工单位经济效益、增强竞争力的关键。 质量保证和控制也是工程总承包项目管理的重要控制环节,“质量第一”也是建设者们都明了的事,但在实施过程中,由于参建方各自所站的角度不同,处理起来也常有矛盾,还是会出现偏重费用和进度,忽视质量的行为,或只重视事后的质量检查,忽视了质量问题对进度、费用造成的影响,不能处理好相互之间的关系。其结果是,质量管理效率低下,导致工程建设进度延误、费用增加。 本文以公路建设工程成本控制与管理及沥青路面等方面为研究对象,对相关问题进行分析与探讨。在分析公路建设成本的具体构成及沥青路面的特性、施工等基础上,阐述了目前工程成本控制与质量、费用中存在的问题。针对上述问题,在保证质量,保证进度的前提下,本文合理的提出了在沥青路面标段施工中成本的控制方法。 首先,要根据此路况做出合理的设计,按照设计施工;其次,要加强财务管理,在保障公路质量的情况下,对该项目公路的沥青路面进行资金、人员调度的控制,节约成本;最后,要加强对料场的管理,尽量杜绝不合格厂料入场,避免偷盗厂料等事件的发生。 关键词:项目管理;成本控制;质量;进度;控制方法 Section of the Asphalt Pavement Construction Cost Control Technology and the Method Abstract Present construction companies profit as the most important management enterprise core, this is the enterprise keep reform, stability and sustainable development.Strengthen the highway engineering project cost management and control, is to improve the construction unit of economic benefit, and increase competitiveness of the key. Quality assurance and control is also engineering contracting project management important control link, quality first is the builder of clear, but in the process of implementing, because their stand cooperated-builing party to different angles, processing up often contradictory, or will appear on cost and schedule, ignore the behavior of quality, or only pay attention to the quality of the later check, has neglected the quality problem of the impact of progress and cost, cant handle the relationship between each other.The result is, quality management inefficient, resulting in engineering construction schedule delay, increased cost. Based on the highway construction project cost control and management and the asphalt pavement for research object, related problems are analyzed and discussed.On the analysis of the concrete highway construction cost of the asphalt pavement structure and characteristics and construction, was discussed based on the engineering project cost control and quality, c


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