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250道经典中考试题 我们从各地中考试题中精选了250道单选题,并且已经填上了正确的答案,请大家一有空就拿出来朗读!一有空就进行中英文自由转换! We usually have a football match on Sunday. 我们通常在星期天举行足球比赛。 Take away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one. 把这件脏衬衣拿走,拿一件干净的给我【take away:取走】 Jack,Sue and I will all go to Sam’s birthday party. 杰克、苏和我都会去参加萨姆的生日聚会。 4.---Where is Amy? ---She has gone to the teacher’s office. ---艾米在哪? ---她到老师的办公室去了。 5.There is still a little water in the bottle.It’s enough for both of us . 瓶子里还有一点水,够我们两个人喝。 【be enough for:对……来说足够了】 6.So little water is not enough for so many people. 这一点水不够这么多人喝。 7.My necklace is not the only thing that is missing. 我丢失的东西不只是项链。 8.It’s two and a half hours’ ride from my home to the factory. 从我家道工厂坐车要两个半小时。【名词所有格作定语】 9.You needn’t e to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do. 如果你有重要的事情要做,今天下午就不必来开会了。 10.They said the eighteenth and last lesson was quite easy. 他们说第十八课也就是最后一课很容易。 11.Mm,the tea smells nice.Where is it produced? 嗯,这茶闻起来不错,哪里产的? 12.We couldn’t buy anything because none of the shops were open at that time. 因为那时候没有一家商店开门,我们什么东西也买不到。 13.If you go to the park tomorrow morning,so will be. 如果你明天早上去公园,他也会去。 14.Though they are brothers,they don’t look like each other at all. 虽然他们是兄弟,但他们看起来一点都不像。 15.I believe that those mountains will be covered with trees in a few years time.【一般将来时的被动语句】 我相信这些山几年后会被树木所覆盖。 16.Ted ,take some juice to school.It’s so hot and you may feel thirsty. 特德,带点果汁去学校,天气这么热,你可能会觉得口渴。 17.The letter is written in Japanese. Can you read it for me ? 这封信是用日文写的,你能给我念念吗?【被动语态】 18.Does anybody know if there is a flight to Shenzhen in the morning next Saturday? 有谁知道下周六上午是否有去深圳的班机?【宾语从句】 19.You’d better not read today’s newapaper because there is nothing special in it . 你最好别看今天的报纸,因为上面没有什么特别的东西。 20.This is Anne and Jane’s bedroom.The twin sisters like it very much. 这是安妮和简的卧室。这对孪生姐妹很喜欢它。 21.Oh,the milk tastes strange.Do you think it’s OK to drink? 哦,牛奶的味道尝起来有点怪,你认为可以喝吗? 22.The boy is too youn


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