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内蒙古科技大学 本科生课程设计说明书(课程论文) 题 目:垃圾桶的人机学分析及改进设计 学生姓名:冯洁 学 号:0864122209 专 业:工业设计 班 级:2班 指导教师:刘云峰 摘要 每个人都是垃圾的制造者,每个人又都是垃圾的受害者,垃圾吞噬资源和污染环境的后果需要我们世世代代来承受。随着社会的进步,工、农业生产的发展,以及人们生活水平的不断提高,从而也就产生了很多很多的垃圾,虽然各处的垃圾桶也不少,还是有很多的人为了自己的方便而随手随地乱扔垃圾,让那些马路上的清洁工特别的辛苦Everyone is garbage maker, and everybody is rubbish victims, waste resources and pollute the environment engulfed need us to bear the consequences throughout your generations. Along with the progress of the society, the workers, the development of agricultural production, as well as people living standard rise ceaselessly, and also can produce a lot of rubbish bins, although everywhere but also many, still have a lot of people to own convenience and conveniently throw the rubbish everywhere, let those the street cleaners special hard. In urban public facilities in the process of perfecting gradually, people began to re-examine the and city simultaneous coexistent evil container design. Trash after a few levels of metamorphosis, is in an unprecedented attitude to accept the worlds review. Trash cans design should be more human, to design belongs to ergonomics design not only the trash can, bins for our life brought the health and convenient, but also benefits the resources and recycling, sustainable design concept and the requirements of environment protection. Key word: bins, humanity, man-machine learn 目录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 第一章 引言 6 1.1 垃圾桶概述 6 1.2 垃圾桶设计的现状 6 1.2.1 与环境风格协调 6 1.2.2 与幽默结伴而行 7 1.2.3 垃圾桶的分类设计 7 1.2.4 走与媒介融合的路线 7 1.2.5 科学发展的提升 7 1.3 本课题研究意义 7 第二章 垃圾桶设计基础研究 8 2.1 垃圾桶材质 8 2.1.1 高密度聚乙烯(HDPE) 8 2.1.2 不锈钢 8 2.1.3 木材 9 2.1.4 玻璃钢 9 2.2 垃圾桶分类及特点 9 2.2.1 按使用环境分类 9 2.2.2 按盛放形式分类 10 2.2.3 按开启方式分类 10 2.2.4 按加工材料分类 11 2.3 垃圾桶设计原则 12 2.3.1 系统性原则 12 2.3.2 公平性原则 12 2.3.3 易用性原则 12 2.3.4 安全性原则 12 2.3.5 审美性和独特性原则 13 2.3.6 合理性和环保性原则 13 第三章 垃圾桶的人机分析 13 3.1 垃圾桶的人机工程分析 13 3.1.1 与垃圾桶有关的人机尺寸 13 3.1.2 解剖学因素 14 3.2 垃圾桶人机尺寸 15 3.2.1 垃圾桶的尺度 15 3.2.2 垃圾桶的垃圾投入口 15 3.3 垃圾桶人机设计意义 16 3.4 总结分析 16 第四章


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