Module5 Philosophers of ancient China(共27张PPT).ppt

Module5 Philosophers of ancient China(共27张PPT).ppt

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Module5 Philosophers of ancient China(共27张PPT)

3.I don’t believe he will succeed, ________? A . do he B . don’t I C .will he D. will I Philosophers of ancient China Confucius (551BC-479BC) Mencius (372BC-289BC) Mozi (476BC-390BC) Para1:1.同…… 处于战争状态 2.是一段……. 的时间 3.强调 …….. 的重要性 4.被……影响 Para2:1.与……相似 2.抚养 培育 3.听从某人建议 4.周游列国 5.统治者的军师 .谋士 Para3:1.出生于 2.因为 以……… 而闻名 3.在某些方面 某种程度上 4.结果 5.照顾 照料 at war with it is/was a time when stress the importance of be influenced by be similar to bring up travel from state to state an adviser to the ruler take/follow one’s advice be born in be famous for in some ways as a result look after Fill in the blanks with proper words 1.Divide the cake into e_____ parts. 2.She always shows k________ to animals. 3.He s_______ that we should be on time. 4.He ________ (辞掉) his________(职务) as secretary. 5.He knows p_________, and he is a p__________. 6.He serves as an a______ to the President. qual indness tressed resigned position hilosophy hilosopher dviser equal important look after philosopher philosophy ruler state teachings thinker treat war In ancient China, private teachers traveled from state to s_______ explaining their p________ Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese p________ Confucius’s t_________ influenced society for more than 2000 years. Other important t_______ included Mencius and Mozi. All three teachers believed in the i_________ of kindness and good government. Mencius’s ideas were very similar to those of Confucius, but some of Mozi’s t_________ were very different. For example, he hated the idea of w_____ and believed that strong people should l_________ weaker people. tate hilosophy hilosophers eaching hinkers mportance eachings ar ook after 1. equal adj. 相等的, 相同的; 胜任的; 经得起的(常与to, with连用) One li is equal to half a kilometre. 2 John is quite equal to the job of running the office. vt.与…


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