出国留学资料- 雅思口语常用词汇-home_town_vocabulary-出国留学 雅思口语词汇.docx

出国留学资料- 雅思口语常用词汇-home_town_vocabulary-出国留学 雅思口语词汇.docx

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出国留学资料- 雅思口语常用词汇-home_town_vocabulary-出国留学 雅思口语词汇

好老师在线资料中心大学生兼职交流群 249513919大学生志愿者群 国留学群 200203599 高考志愿交流 252055724 公务员考试交流 276680125教师资格考试群 256679111 毕业就业求职群 249440533管理/金融交流群 108785296考研交流群 生家长交流群 250469437职业培训交流群 250469437青年创业同盟 202486294Home town vocabularyThis is a selection of vocabulary to talk about your home town in part 1 IELTS speaking.Other useful resourcesQuiz on this vocabularyPractice questions to talk about your home townAspects of lifeLiving Example sentencescost of living The cost of living is fairly reasonable.pace of life There’s a fairly slow pace of life where I come from.the rat race I moved out to avoid the rat race.atmosphere It’s got a really relaxed atmosphere.pollution The air quality is terrible because of the pollution.overcrowding Like most places, it suffers from overcrowding.poverty You can see poverty everywhere.amenities One of the best points is that it has excellent amenities.sense of community What I enjoy most is the sense of community there.Adjectives to describe towns and citiesAdjectives Example sentencesquiet/peaceful It’s a fairly quiet place.lively/bustling/vibrant The centre of town is really lively at night.industrial Of course, it’s quite industrial like most modern vincial It’s one of the largest provincial cities in the country.cosmpolitan There’s a really cosmopolitan atmosphere.green While some parts of it are industrial, it’s still a green city.historic It’s a fascinating historic old town.sleepy/relaxed/dull Some people might call it sleepy, I find it rather dull.Dominic Cole’s IELTS BTransport vocbaularyTransport Example sentencescongestion Where I come from the congestion is terrible.traffic jams Like most places, we get traffic jams in the rush hour.rush hour There isn’t really a rush hour - it’s too quiet for that.bus route Fortunately, I live near a convenient bus route.undergroundsystem/subwayThere are lots of means of transport - even a subway mute Some people ch


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