Yoga Psychology瑜伽心理学.ppt

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Yoga Psychology瑜伽心理学

Manipura chakra Yoga Psychology Understanding the connection between the mind, body, and spirit What is yoga psychology? Developed by P.R. Sarkar -- Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher Revitalized ancient yogic understanding of how the chakras are related to our mental/emotional states and how we can use yogic practices to create balance Systematized by Ashtabakra over 2000 years ago, called “Raja dhi Raja yoga” Fear 50 tendencies x 2 internal and external expression x 10 motor and sensory organs = 1000 tendencies Chakras and Yoga Human Expression Through the Chakras Synthetic system Yoga Psychology is a synthetic approach Systems approach – never separates one element from another, sees all as interactive: Asanas, meditation, diet, ethics, service Tuning/cleaning the mind/body instrument in order to harmonize the symphony Glands and Subglands Adaptation (physical, mental/emotional, spiritual) Integration of Internal and External Stimuli Adaptation SUCCESSFUL ADAPTATION Relaxation, efficiency, focus Subtle, higher mind/ propensities FAILURE TO ADAPT Sickness, stress Crude, lower mind/ propensities How does Yoga Psychology work? Asanas Meditation glands nerves hypothalamus nerves glands mood behavior Muladhara Chakra First chakra – “root” Ka’ma - physical Artha - psychic Dharma – psycho-spiritual Moks’a – spiritual Solid factor Visualization color: Gold Svadhisthana Chakra Vrittis of the Svadhisthana Indifference, neglect Psychic stupor Indulgence Lack of confidence (in oneself or another) Crude expression Thought of complete annihilation (defeatism) Manipura chakra Vrittis of the 3rd Chakra Shyness, shame Sadistic tendency Envy Lethargy, inertia Melancholy Anahata Chakra Fourth Chakra – “Unhit” Aerial Factor Visualization color: Smokey gray/green Vrittis of the 4th Chakra hope effort love and attachment discrimination, conscience repentance Evolution Sustained demand for adaptation Samskara –


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