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题 目基于C#实现音乐播放器功能
学 号
系 别 计算机科学系
年 级
专 业 通信工程
职 称 教授
摘 要
现代经济发展迅速,科学技术也在不断发展进步,日益繁荣的计算机信息技术带给人们许多便利。音乐作为人们生活中常见的娱乐方式,也在计算机普及的冲击下发生了革新。随着音乐的数字化,媒体播放器也往更高质方向进步。最常见的Windows media player——因其强大的音频解码功能而备受青睐。当一个播放的,Visual stdio2013工具。
本文的目的在于一种简单音乐播放器的方,主要是通过Visual stdio进行。文章包含了对音乐播放器界面实现的方法和对后台代码的理解及掌握通过电脑使用播放器进行音乐播放和在线搜索的功能。通过实践进一步播放器的,以及开发过程,基本满足大众播放的求。文中使用面向.net frame框架,设计一个播放功能、搜索歌词显示
关键字:音乐播放器、Visual studio 2013、.net frame
With the rapid development of modern economy and the continuous development of science and technology, computer information technology is becoming more and more prosperous. Music as a common way of entertainment in peoples lives, but also because of the popularity of computers has changed. With digital music, media players also progress to higher quality direction. Because of the Windows Media Player’s powerful audio decoding, the most common Windows Media Player loved by everyone. If you want to make a simple music player to play songs and to experience the fun of programming,you can use the Visual stdio2013.
The purpose of this is to make everyone know a simple way to build a music player, and this method is mainly achieved by the Visual stdio. Article contains the method of a music player interface implementations, to understand and grasp the code-behind, the main function of the music player is to play songs and to search online. Through practice we can further understand the needs of the player and its development process. The music player meets the requirements of the public players basically. This article uses .net framework to design a simple music player. This music player can play songs, search online, and display the lyrics.
Keywords:music player. the visual stdio 2013. .net frame
目 录
1. 引言 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 网络流行音乐播放器简介 1
1.2.1 酷狗
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