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河南科技学院 2015届本科毕业设计 基于IOS开发的装修家居APP的设计与实现 学生姓名: 所在系别: 信 息 工 程 所学专业: 信 息 工 程 导师姓名: 完成时间: 2015 - 5 – 10 基于IOS开发的装修家居APP的设计与实现 摘要 随着科技的发展,移动智能终端人们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。基于iOS系统的iPhone手机因其独特的设计和极佳的体验深受用户欢迎。作为当前最流行的操作平台,自然也存在着大量的应用服务需求。本课题是为一家装修公司设计的一款帮助人们可以随心所欲选择家居装修样式的移动应用。该APP以Object-C语言编写,以Xcode为开发工具实现的。主要有五大界面:首页,分类图片,灵感,关注及设置界面。首页展示了设计师设计的当今流行的一些装修样板;分类界面以空间、风格、局部三种分类方式向用户详细介绍各种各样的装修方法;灵感界面就是用户记录自己的装修方法,以备以后装修时使用的界面;关注界面则是自己关注的设计师的最新动态;设置界面可以清空缓存,意见反馈,及APP介绍。精致优秀的设计风格,有多样化的选择,使用户可以更加赏心悦目地体验本软件的服务。 关键词:Objective_c、HTTP、MySQL、家居 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS GRADUATES Abstract With the development of science and technology, mobile intelligent terminal plays an increasingly important role in daily life..?IPhone mobile phone based on the iOS system because of its unique design and excellent experience by users.?As the most popular operating platform, there is also a lot of natural application service needs.?This topic is for a decoration company design of a help people can choose home decoration style mobile application.?The APP is written in Object-C language, and implemented by Xcode as the development tool..?There are five major interfaces: home, classification pictures, inspiration, attention and set the interface.?Home page shows the designer of todays popular some decoration model; interface classification to space, style, local three classification to users with the various decoration method; interface inspired is users to record their own decoration method, to preparation after the renovation of the use of interface; interface is designers concern themselves with the latest developments; setting interface can empty the cache, feedback, and app.?Exquisite and excellent design style, a variety of choices, users can experience more be good to hear or see the service of this software. Keywords: Objective_c, HTTP, MySQL, Household 目录 1. 绪论 1 2. iOS系统、环境以及所用技术介绍 2 2.1 iOS系统简介 2 2.3 开发环境 3 2.4应用程序框架 3 2.5 设


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