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摘 要 在科技的日益发展中,扩展频谱通信则是一种新型的通信方式。跳频通信是扩展频谱通信中的一种,跳频通信和自适应通信、扩展频谱通信以及高速数字数据通信系统被称为“90年代的通信技术”。由于扩展频谱通信、跳频通信极强的抗干扰能力和多址通信性能,使其在军事和民用上都得到越来越广泛的应用。本文讲述了扩频通信的基本概念和跳频系统的主要特点。 跳频通信技术具有很强的抗干扰能力,所以跳频通信一直也是扩频通信技术研究中的一个重点。在阐述跳频通信基本原理和实现方法的基础上,利用 Matlab 提供的可视化工具 Simulink 建立了跳频通信系统仿真模型,详细讲述了各模块的设计。在给定仿真条件下,对该跳频通信系统在宽带噪声干扰工作机制下进行了仿真,得到了宽带噪声干扰下的误码率信噪比曲线。结果表明,跳频通信系统的抗干扰能力优于传统的定频通信,在战术通信中有更高的可靠性。 【关键词】:扩展频谱通信 跳频通信 抗干扰 误码率 信噪比 ABSTRACT In the development of science and technology, the spread spectrum communication is a kind of new way to communicate. Frequency hopping communication is spread spectrum communication of frequency hopping communication and adaptive communication, spread spectrum communication and high speed digital data communication system known as 90’s communications technology. Due to the spread spectrum communication, frequency hopping communication strong anti-interference ability and multi-access communication performance, so that in the military and civilian up to get more and more widely. This paper introduced the spread spectrum communication of the basic concepts and frequency hopping system main characteristics. Frequency hopping communication technology has the very strong anti-jamming ability, so the frequency hopping communication has also spread spectrum communication technology in the study of a key. In this paper the frequency hopping communication basic principle and method, and on the basis of the use of Matlab provide visual tools Simulink established the frequency hopping communication system simulation model, the detailed design of each module in tells the story. In a given simulation conditions, the frequency hopping communication system in broadband noise under the working mechanism is simulated, and get the broadband noise ber under Signal to noise rate curve. The results show that the frequency hopping communication system of anti-interference ability is better than that of traditional fixed frequency communication in communications



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