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辽宁科技大学 题目:基于pro/e的健身器材滑步机的运动仿真 姓 名: 专 业: 机制 11 院 系:装备制造学院 指导教师: 完成日期:2015年6月3日 基于pro/e的健身器材滑步机的运动仿真 摘 要 滑步机主要为大腿使力驱动身体,主要运动到臀部,背部等肌群。这是一种适合男女老少有氧运动的健身器材,可以有效锻炼人的心血管系统和提高人的心肺功能,并对心血管系统功能提高有相当大的作用,同时它的减脂作用也很明显。是一种可使全身80%的肌肉和关节同时参加运动的一种不可多得的器材。本文中不但介绍了健身器材的发展现状,也指出了一些现在存在的一些问题。并且,在分析研究滑步机的各组成零件和它们之间的结构关系的同时,利用现代机械研究软件pro/e对所研究的滑步机进行实体建模和运动仿真。Pro/Engineer系统是美国参数技术公司的产品。PTC公司提出的单一数据库、参数化、基于特征、全相关的概念改变了机械CAD/CAE/CAM的传统观念,这种全新的概念已成为当今世界机械CAD/CAE/CAM领域的新标准。得出在传统条件下不能得出的结论数据。从而更好的确定滑步机的结构和相关数据,为滑步机的优化设计打下基础。使之起到更好的锻炼作用。 关键词:滑步机,pr/e,建模 Abstract Slide driven mainly for the thighs make strength your body, major sport to the hips, back and other muscles. It is suitable for men, women and children of aerobic exercise fitness equipment, can effectively exercise the cardiovascular system and improve lung function in peoples hearts, and has a considerable effect on cardiovascular system function, improving, but fat loss is also evident. Is a general 80% of the muscles and joints as well as a rare sports equipment. This article not only introduced the current situation of fitness equipment, also pointed out some problems now. Furthermore, analysis of the slip of the constituent parts and the structural relationships between them at the same time, using modern machinery software Pro/e for the study of sliding the solid modeling and motion simulation. Pro/Engineer system is the United States of parametric Technology Corp. product. PTC , parametric, based on the companys proposed single database concepts related to features, changed the mechanical CAD/CAE/cam tradition, this new concept has become the world of mechanical CAD/CAE/cam areas of new standards. Data obtained under traditional conditions cannot come to the conclusion. In order to better determine the structure of sliding machine and related data, and lay the Foundation for optimal design of sliding machines. Make them play a better role in exercise. Key words: gliding machine,P



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